Come and SeeSample

In a barren wilderness, many centuries before Christ came to earth, the hungry Israelites
asked Moses for food. How could they survive their journey to the Promised Land without
something to eat? In an act of supernatural provision, God rained down bread from heaven.
Around 1500 years later, Jesus broke bread for another hungry crowd. In an act of
supernatural provision, from a meager handful of food, He miraculously provided a great feast
for thousands. In doing this, He revealed the same power and provision that God had shown to
the people in the wilderness. But what should have moved the crowd to hunger for more of God
incarnate, only made them hunger for more of His miracles. They wanted Jesus as their king
because of what He could give them, not because of who He was. So, when He stated, “I AM the
bread of life,” they complained. They didn’t understand that the bread raining in the wilderness
and the bread broken by Jesus, were just pictures pointing to the true Bread that had come down
from heaven.
The very best food and all the riches in the world could never sustain us forever. But, in
an act of supernatural provision, the flesh and blood offered on the cross became the nourishment
that could fill every hungry soul. In our journey to the ultimate “Promised Land,” it is this Bread,
received through our faith in Jesus Christ, that gives eternal life.
If we follow God only when He provides what we desire on earth, then we are like the
crowd that only wanted the temporary satisfaction of the loaves of bread. In this case, we will
seek Him for the good things and turn away when these things are gone. But in understanding the
gift of the true Bread, we will seek Him first above everything else. And following the example
of His closest disciples, we will refuse to leave His side no matter what: “Lord to whom shall we
go? You have the words of eternal life.” All we need to live is found in Him. Let us taste and see
that the Lord is good.
Read John 6
In honor of Jesus, the Bread of Life, find a Christmas bread (or gingerbread!) recipe to make. Let
every bite be a reminder to seek Him first, especially during this busy holiday season.
About this Plan

Stories of the nativity are important, but the story of why Jesus came should involve so much more than a manger scene. Focusing on one chapter a day through the book of John will reveal the beauty of who Christ is and why His birth was so important. In the flurry of Christmas, keep your eyes on Him. Come and see why Jesus is our greatest gift.
We would like to thank RADIANT for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: