Radically Rediscovering RestSample

Have you ever gone on vacation, but when you come back, you don’t feel rested at all? Between the travel, the car rental, the hotel check in, the busy schedule to do it all, and those picture-perfect moments to share on social media, you still feel exhausted? A lot of us probably think that’s what rest is. Then why are we still tired? We have to recognize as followers of Jesus our rest comes from Christ.
The first time we read about rest is in the book of Genesis.
“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.”
Did God need rest? No! He’s God. The fact that He still took a day of rest (the sabbath) to enjoy the creation around Him should speak volumes to you.
Rest is a time to enjoy what God has given you to steward.
Rest is an opportunity to praise God in thankfulness for the things we often take for granted.
Rest is a moment to worship God not just for what He has done, but for who He is.
Rest is an invitation to trust God with six days of work instead of seven.
TAKE ACTION: Let’s retrain our mind to redefine what rest actually is. When you spend time in rest this week, pick one of the four definitions of rest above and put it into practice.
About this Plan

How has your week been? Busy? Did you work late? Can’t find time for the things you enjoy doing? Maybe even too busy to start a new devotional? Yea, some weeks that’s me too. Let’s take seven days and discover the biblical importance of rest.
We would like to thank Varsity Skateboarding Organization for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://varsityskate.org