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The Nativity: A Christmas Countdown DevotionalSample

The Nativity: A Christmas Countdown Devotional

DAY 5 OF 14


It would make sense that a host of angels might appear in the temple where people worshipped God. It would make sense that the religious leaders of the day would experience the moment that had been prophesied. But that’s not how God set the stage for His Son’s arrival. His ways don’t always make sense from our earthly perspective. They aren’t predictable, mundane, or ordinary. His promises, though prophesied long ago, may have seemed a little bizarre to God’s people. But if He operated in ways that we expected, would we be surprised? Amazed? In awe of Him?

The shepherds would have grown up hearing of these prophecies. As children, they would know that all of their people were waiting on the Lord. They, too, would be waiting on Him. Would they have expected the Messiah to be born in their lifetime? And would they have anticipated that they would be the first to know? God was clear about many details, but He never specified a time. It’s no wonder they were terrified when an angel suddenly appeared before them. An unexpected surprise on the otherwise typical night.

A shepherd’s job was to protect his flock of sheep from predators. He needed to keep them all together. Each shepherd had a different call for their flock, and the sheep knew only their shepherd’s voice. Jesus is often called a Shepherd (John 10:11). His people know His voice, and He leads them and protects them from evil. Because God’s way is always beautifully constructed, He chose these shepherds to be the first to hear of the baby’s birth. The angel of the Lord heralded the good news that would change eternity. The heavenly host of angels declared the glory of God—all as the shepherds stood watch. The glory of the Lord surrounded the shepherds in a warm embrace.

And then the moment was over. Like sheep, they turned to find their Shepherd. The angel did not expect them to continue to care for their sheep. He told them where to find the baby and the shepherds set off toward the nearby town. As they looked down upon the manger, their eyes bore witness to the delicate features of Baby Jesus’ face. They saw His chest rise and fall with the rhythm of His breaths. They heard the soft coos and cries of the Lord while Mary and Joseph tended to their son. They shared their story about the angels and the heavenly host; perhaps Mary and Joseph shared their stories as well. With the pieces falling in place, even those from prophecies told long ago, adding to it the news from the angel and what they had witnessed, the shepherds then spread news to all who would listen. They gave glory to God and praised Him for His faithfulness.


Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

The Nativity: A Christmas Countdown Devotional

Countdown to Christmas Day by poring over the miraculous events surrounding the birth of Christ, one piece of the Nativity at a time. Beginning with the prophecies from the Old Testament to the promises God fulfilled, each piece played an important role in the night that changed eternity. Each day includes a devotional, scripture reading, and artwork from Casey Hilty’s Nativity Garland Christmas countdown cards available online.


We would like to thank Casey Hilty for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: