Break TrailSample

If you've ever gone hiking before, especially in the winter, you know that "breaking trail" is something you do when you encounter deep snow that's tough to navigate. When that happens, one hiker usually goes ahead of their group and clears the way so others can follow behind more easily. A trail breaker is someone who goes ahead, who makes a new way, and who invites others to follow along. In so many ways, that's what Jesus does for us.
He broke a new trail just by existing — never before had anyone been fully human and fully God at the same time. He broke more trails by teaching us new ways of loving God and loving others. And then He broke one last trail with the good news of his resurrection. Before he left earth, you could say Jesus pointed to the trail he had made, invited us to follow along, and asked us to bring others with us. Jesus gave us a mission — to follow him.
What does the mission of following Jesus look like for you?
About this Plan

If you're a hiker, you know a trail-breaker is someone who walks ahead, makes a new way, and invites others to follow. That's exactly what Jesus did for us. He broke a new trail with his birth, his life, his teachings, and then with his death and resurrection. In this 30-day devotional series designed for Lent, we’ll see how Jesus showed us a new way of living and knowing God.
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