Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with GodSample

"If newspapers would give less attention to crime, there would not be so much of it," the average person on the street says. In response to requests from civic groups and individuals who felt that vandals were doing it for the publicity, the news media in Iowa decided not to report any news of vandalism for ninety days. Then the police department released statistics showing 36.5 percent more vandalism than during the same three months of the year before.
Three things emerged from this experiment: (1) turning one's back on a problem does not make it go away; (2) an uninformed public often harbors a false sense of security; and (3) that which "sounds" logical is not always logical.
These three observations are also true in the spiritual realm. Turning our back on coming judgment does not erase that judgment. The Bible says: The soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). We also can be lured into a false sense of security through being ill-informed about eternal values. And finally: There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12). Natural man simply cannot perceive the things of God; only after we are born again do we have the proper perspective.
"If newspapers would give less attention to crime, there would not be so much of it," the average person on the street says. In response to requests from civic groups and individuals who felt that vandals were doing it for the publicity, the news media in Iowa decided not to report any news of vandalism for ninety days. Then the police department released statistics showing 36.5 percent more vandalism than during the same three months of the year before.
Three things emerged from this experiment: (1) turning one's back on a problem does not make it go away; (2) an uninformed public often harbors a false sense of security; and (3) that which "sounds" logical is not always logical.
These three observations are also true in the spiritual realm. Turning our back on coming judgment does not erase that judgment. The Bible says: The soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). We also can be lured into a false sense of security through being ill-informed about eternal values. And finally: There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (Proverbs 14:12). Natural man simply cannot perceive the things of God; only after we are born again do we have the proper perspective.
About this Plan

Daily devotions for each day of the year. Ron Hembree illusrates how to 'Draw Near' to God through scriptures and insightful stories for each day.
We would like to thank Bible Discovery TV for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.biblediscoverytv.com