Draw Near – 365 Guides to Greater Intimacy with GodSample

When actor Lloyd Bridges and his wife traveled east for a Broadway play, they left their fourteen-year-old son with friends. Mrs. Bridges says she was amazed and delighted to hear reports of how mannerly her son was being, but their first night home caused doubt. "He kept his head six inches from his plate, talked with his mouth full and ate his cake and ice cream with his knife. "Son, I can't imagine what the Browns were talking about,' his father exclaimed. 'Your manners are horrible.' 'Gee, Dad!' sputtered our son, 'you don't think I eat this way when I'm with people!'"
Too often, we tend to forget our manners at home. We must remember, however, that God's Word encourages us to be courteous even there. Any home where "Thank you" or "Please excuse me" are heard frequently is a pleasant home and fulfills at least one Bible admonition: Peter said we are to be just as concerned for the comfort of our family as for anyone.
Christian courtesy includes having compassion for one another, loving each other as brethren, being full of pity, and refusing to hurt back when we are hurt or yell back when we are yelled at. Peter's advice is very practical to homemakers; and as a married person himself, he knew the pitfalls and problems.
When actor Lloyd Bridges and his wife traveled east for a Broadway play, they left their fourteen-year-old son with friends. Mrs. Bridges says she was amazed and delighted to hear reports of how mannerly her son was being, but their first night home caused doubt. "He kept his head six inches from his plate, talked with his mouth full and ate his cake and ice cream with his knife. "Son, I can't imagine what the Browns were talking about,' his father exclaimed. 'Your manners are horrible.' 'Gee, Dad!' sputtered our son, 'you don't think I eat this way when I'm with people!'"
Too often, we tend to forget our manners at home. We must remember, however, that God's Word encourages us to be courteous even there. Any home where "Thank you" or "Please excuse me" are heard frequently is a pleasant home and fulfills at least one Bible admonition: Peter said we are to be just as concerned for the comfort of our family as for anyone.
Christian courtesy includes having compassion for one another, loving each other as brethren, being full of pity, and refusing to hurt back when we are hurt or yell back when we are yelled at. Peter's advice is very practical to homemakers; and as a married person himself, he knew the pitfalls and problems.
About this Plan

Daily devotions for each day of the year. Ron Hembree illusrates how to 'Draw Near' to God through scriptures and insightful stories for each day.
We would like to thank Bible Discovery TV for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.biblediscoverytv.com