Hearing God's VoiceSample

Jesus was with his disciples giving them some final words before he would be arrested and crucified. The disciples finally realized Jesus would actually be heading to his death. They realized soon, it would just be them and the other disciples left to fend for themselves.
Put yourself in their shoes. What would be running through your mind?
“I can’t do this without him.”
“I’m not ready.”
“I’m not good enough.”
Have you ever felt like this? Have you ever had a time where you just felt really discouraged?
It could be a time like the one we’ve been in where nothing seemed to go the way you planned and you’re struggling to find some semblance of “normal”. You start thinking all kinds of negative things and it just continues to cause you to spiral.
Or maybe there’s something from your past that continues to be brought up—something you did or something that was done to you. You can’t seem to outrun your mistakes and all of those words and feelings flood your mind.
Maybe you’ve been called something or labelled something that just hurts.
We all have seasons where the words we use to describe ourselves or our current situation are filled with negativity, self-doubt, or shame.
Can I just let you know? None of that is from God.
Knowing the disciples would feel discouraged, Jesus told them, “But I will send you the Advocate”. The original word that’s translated “advocate“ literally means “one who comes alongside to help or encourage”.
God has given you and me the Holy Spirit to encourage us and speak words of life into us. The Holy Spirit will never discourage you. The Holy Spirit will only encourage you.
Take time to thank God.
About this Plan

God wants to speak to you. However, many of our lives are too noisy and busy to hear from Him. He speaks and we miss it. Or, we don't know what to look or listen for. Over the next ten days, we'll explore some of the different ways God speaks, as well as some ways to ready ourselves so that, when he does speak, we're ready to hear.
We would like to thank LCBC Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.lcbcchurch.com/students