PREPARE - A Student Reading Plan Exploring Your CallSample

I was called into ministry before freshmen year at a Summer high school event. Only two weeks after dedicating to the decision, doubts flooded my mind. All of my doubts surrounded fear of failure and unacceptance as a young girl in a field made up of mostly men. Will I be accepted in ministry? Do I have what it takes?
Our doubts often come from a deep-rooted lack of trust in the Lord and fear of the world’s judgement. Moses faced doubts when God called him too.
Moses’s immediate reaction to His call was doubt. “Who am I that I should go...?” (3:11)
God’s immediate reaction to Moses’ doubt was truth. “I will be with you…” (3:12)
Moses wouldn’t go alone. But, Moses’ doubts continued, and with every doubt came an excuse. God had an answer to every doubt and offered help with each excuse.
We all have doubts.
- I’m not talented.
- I’m not very smart.
- I can’t talk in front of people
- I don’t have what it takes.
God calls us knowing our weaknesses. He promises to meet us in each weakness and supply His presence and power.
Like He did with Moses, God wants to prepare you for full-time ministry. He knows exactly what you need and how to provide it.
God is calling you regardless of your weaknesses. Your role is to obey and let God handle the preparation.
- What would you consider a “weakness” in your life?
- How can you surrender your weakness to the Lord?
- Ask someone you know in full-time ministry about how God works through their weakness.
Jesus, thank You for everything I’ve ever considered to be a weakness. Thank You for showing me the world has no hold on Your plan. Lord, show me where I am making excuses because of my weaknesses. Lord, I surrender this to You. Take away this burden and show me how it’s Your blessing. Amen.
About this Plan

Every Christian is called to ministry in some way. But some Christians are called to full-time vocational ministry. This calling doesn’t make you better than anyone else, but it is a different calling. Let these stories guide you as you wrestle with your own call from God.
We would like to thank Southeast Christian Church for providing this Plan. For more information, please visit: