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Born to Lead!Sample

Born to Lead!

DAY 4 OF 5

Gideon: Man of Obedience

Jesus (God the Son) was the greatest leader of all time and He was obedient in every way to God the Father. Gideon also obeyed God’s authority. Gideon’s story parallels the Gospel of Christ in other ways. It took physical, emotional, and spiritual strength for Jesus to bear the weight of our sin on the cross to lead us in victory over our enemy, sin. God strengthened Gideon physically, emotionally, and spiritually to lead his people to victory over their enemy, the Midianites. God the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live for Christ. God, in the form of the Holy Spirit, will strengthen you to be an overcomer so you too can lead others into victorious living. Victory is always the by-product of obedience. 

Here's Gideons Story:

The Israelites did evil in God’s sight and worshipped foreign gods. So the Lord handed the Israelites over to the Midianites, who viciously attacked God’s chosen people and destroyed their crops. Starving and afraid, these Israelites hid in caves, and after seven years they cried out for help. God heard the cries of His people and picked one brave obedient man to rescue them, and his name was Gideon. 

One day, an angel appeared and spoke truth to young Gideon. “Why are you hiding? You are a brave warrior. The Lord is with you. Boldly save your people from the Midianites!” Sensing the Lord was speaking through the angel, Gideon questioned, “Me, brave? I can’t save Israel! That’s impossible! I’m the youngest of a poor, unimportant family.” Patiently, the Lord replied, “Don’t fear; I’m with you and will help you defeat your enemy.” But God, wanting a full commitment from His “leader in the making,” continued, “You can’t serve two masters. Your people worship a false god. Tear down their shrine to Baal.” 

Fearing his people’s reaction, Gideon obeyed, but by the cover of night. Later, seeing what Gideon had done and realizing Baal had no power, the Israelites returned to God and rallied around Gideon to fight! Hearing Gideon was preparing for war, the Midianites prepared for battle too.

Gideon enlisted 32,000 men to fight 135,000 Midianites! Odds of winning this fight: 1 to 4. But God told Gideon, “You have too many troops; send home all those who are afraid. After the victory, all will know it was by My power!” Obeying God, Gideon sent 22,000 soldiers home! Then God gave another order, “Take the troops to the river to drink. Those who stay watchful by cupping water to their mouth, instead of drinking face down, will remain in your army.” Gideon obeyed again and 9,700 men went home. The army now numbered 300. Current odds of winning: 1 to 450! It now seemed even more impossible. The more Gideon obeyed, the scarier it got!

God encouraged Gideon to slip into the enemy’s camp that night, so He could hear what would happen. Obediently, Gideon did just that. He overheard two guards speaking. One said, “I had a dream. A loaf of bread rolled into our camp and it rolled over a tent and it fell down.” Immediately the other guard said, “I know what it means! The ‘bread’ is the sword of Gideon and he is going to destroy us!” Gideon was strengthened and encouraged. He worshiped God right there in the darkness and then returned to his troops to report what he’d heard.

Gideon’s battle plan didn’t need a large, skilled army; it just needed a miracle-working God and a few obedient brave men to do the impossible. Each man was equipped with a lamp, a pitcher, and a trumpet. So the light wouldn’t be seen, the lamp was lit and placed inside the pitcher. While the enemy slept, Gideon’s troops silently surrounded the camp. Then a shout pierced the darkness, “The sword of the Lord and of Gideon!” The pitchers crashed, lamps blazed and trumpets blared! Awakening to a terrifying sound and dazzling light show, the Midianites fled in retreat, killing one another in mad confusion! Using no weapons, Gideon’s tiny army was victorious and his people were freed!  

Even though Gideon was afraid, he still was obedient.

Think About It:

1. God wants you to stand strong in faith. But, most of us, just as Gideon, don’t see ourselves as God sees us! What keeps you from seeing your potential for spiritual greatness?

2. Why is it important to be obedient to authority, even when it doesn't make sense?

3. Gideon obeyed when God told him to fight 135,000 foreign soldiers with just 300 untrained men who had no weapons—only trumpets, lanterns, and clay pots! What can you do to get to the place where you have the same radical trust and obedience to God as Gideon?

God strengthened Gideon physically, emotionally, and spiritually to lead his people to victory over their enemy, the Midianites. God the Holy Spirit gives the power to live for Christ.

Day 3Day 5

About this Plan

Born to Lead!

God has created you with a unique personality! He has equipped you with skills that define the type of leader He purposed you to be. Join us in this five-day study, learning to become a leader with the guidance of Esther, Joseph, and Gideon.


We would like to thank Students Standing Strong for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: