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Born to Lead!Sample

Born to Lead!

DAY 3 OF 5

Joseph: Man of Faithfulness

Jesus was not only God in the flesh; He was also the greatest leader and lover of people our world has known.  His life served a purpose—to spiritually save people from sin and death.  Joseph’s purpose was to physically save his people from hunger and death. Your friends need to see you faithfully serving Jesus even during difficult times when you think no one is watching.

 God loves us and wants us to be faithful to Him; He knows that obedience brings blessing. Joseph's life exemplifies how God blesses those who are faithful. The following story is about Joseph, his father Jacob, and Joseph’s 11 brothers. 

Pit - Jacob truly loved his many sons. But this Hebrew father loved 17 year-old Joseph the most. Jacob demonstrated his love by giving Joseph a costly multi-colored coat. The older boys then hated Joseph, and Joseph made things worse when he shared his dreams with them. In dream one, his brothers and he were bundling grain, and Joseph’s bundle of grain stood up while his brothers’ grain bundles bowed to Joseph's bundle.  Furiously they asked, “Do you intend to rule over us?” Later, Joseph shared another dream: in it the sun, moon, and eleven stars bowed before him. The brothers’ hatred burned even more!  One day, Jacob sent Joseph to check his brothers’ work. Seeing “Fancy-Coat Joe,” they said, “Here comes that dreamer!” Stripping off Joseph’s coat, they left him in a pit to die. When slave traders passed by, the boys sold Joseph to the traders. Joseph was later bought by Potiphar, an Egyptian official. But, the Lord was with Joseph and gave him success.

Potiphar's House - Noting Joseph’s faithfulness and integrity, Potiphar placed Joseph in charge of all he owned. The Lord blessed Potiphar due to Joseph’s efforts. Now, Joseph was well built and handsome, and his master’s wife desired him saying, “Come to bed with me.” Joseph replied, “My master has withheld nothing from me except you. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” Relentlessly she enticed him. One day, Joseph entered the house and none of the servants were inside. Seizing opportunity, the wife grabbed his cloak and again tempted him. Joseph fled, leaving his cloak in her hand! Out of anger, she lied, claiming Joseph raped her, using his ripped cloak as “proof.” Her hatred burned!

Prison - Joseph was placed in prison, due to the lies of Potiphar's wife. But the Lord was with Joseph, giving him favor with the warden. Noting Joseph’s faithfulness and integrity, the warden placed Joseph in charge of all prisoners. God blessed all that Joseph did. Later, King Pharaoh was displeased with his cupbearer and baker, and they found themselves in prison under Joseph’s watch. After some time, both men had troubling dreams. Joseph kindly took notice. Both men shared, and God gave Joseph understanding. The cupbearer’s dream meant he would be pardoned in three days. Joseph asked the cupbearer to remember him to the king. Next, the baker detailed his dream, and Joseph sadly said, “In three days you’ll hang as the birds eat your flesh.” Three days later the cupbearer was restored to his duties and, the baker died. Joseph’s faithfulness continued.

Pharaoh's Palace - Two years passed, and Pharaoh had his own disturbing dreams. None of his magicians could interpret them. At last, the cupbearer remembered and told Pharaoh about the imprisoned Hebrew. Joseph’s prison doors opened, and he listened to Pharaoh’s dreams. Telling the king it was only God who could interpret dreams, he added, but God would use him to share the dreams’ meanings. Joseph, with boldness wrapped in humility, declared, “Egypt will experience seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine. Store up grain during the time of abundance to be distributed during the time of famine. Find a discerning and wise man and put him in charge of Egypt’s land.” Liking Joseph’s plan, Pharaoh, asked, “Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the Spirit of God?” Answering his own question, Pharaoh felt favor toward Joseph saying, “You are that man!” and continued, “You shall be in charge of my palace. All my people will submit to your orders. Only with respect to the throne will I be greater.” 

When the seven years of abundance ended, the people of Egypt grew hungry but by Joseph’s faithful obedience, the storehouses filled with grain were opened, and the citizens didn’t starve. When it was rumored the Egyptians still had food, Joseph’s brothers journeyed to the palace in Egypt. Recognizing his brothers waiting in line to buy grain, Joseph’s heart was filled with love and compassion. Just as he had dreamed so long ago, his brothers now lowly bowed down to honor him. In tears, Joseph revealed himself saying, “I am your brother Joseph, the one you sold into Egypt. But don’t be distressed or angry with yourselves. Don’t fear! It was not you who sent me here. It was God who sent me ahead of you so that you, and our people, would be saved.”

Joseph was committed to the Lord and found great strength and stayed faithful during his times in the pit, in Potiphar's house, in prison, and in the palace. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, "The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him." 


Think About It:

1. What evidence in your own life demonstrates your commitment and faithfulness to doing life God's way no matter what?

2. Joseph remained faithful to God, no matter his circumstances. What situations make it difficult for you to remain faithful to God? 

When you are faithful and your heart is fully committed to the Lord, God will strengthen you.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Born to Lead!

God has created you with a unique personality! He has equipped you with skills that define the type of leader He purposed you to be. Join us in this five-day study, learning to become a leader with the guidance of Esther, Joseph, and Gideon.


We would like to thank Students Standing Strong for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: