COVID-19 Novel Encouragement Sample

Something Even More Fearful
Is your body safe from the virus, yet losing your soul to hell?
That might not be the most comfortable, or politically-correct question you will hear while living under the burden of this coronavirus, but it might be the one you need to consider. If not for your own soul, perhaps for the dear ones in the room next door, down the hall, and all across the great nation. Simply being 'in church' does not mean you are 'in Christ.'
I wonder if these days of isolation have revealed an emptiness in your soul? Perhaps your faith seems 'alive' when you are surrounded by vibrant believers, but now it seems distant, maybe even gone? Were you borrowing from the faith of others, or have you truly been born again to a living hope?
Let me remind you of the wonderful Good News of our Lord Jesus.
When we have wandered far from His secure embrace, snared by the lure of what does not please Him, it is so good to turn around and find you can indeed come home. The best news in all of human history is that Jesus came to bring us home. This message is good and glorious because it's true!
The shores of history are lined with wrecks of broken promises and dashed hopes. But the claims of Jesus stand because He stands. Crosses were designed to make death as long and agonizing as possible. He was abandoned and broken by the cross, but He burst the bonds of sin, death, and hell. He lives. His resurrection is one of the best-established facts in all history.
Romans hung thousands of people on crosses. Yet there was something unique about Jesus' death. An officer at the foot of His cross said, "Truly, this was the Son of God!" (Mark 15:39). No other victim of Rome was without sin, yet the enormity of sin was seen in His suffering and death for the sins of the world. Through this very bad event, God brought great good – forgiveness for sin – life from death – heaven, because He endured our hell.
This is amazingly good news…almost too hard to believe. How can the very God we offend give His best to bring us back? Why should the God we reject be rejected for us? For some reason we will never understand, God loves those who will not love Him. God in His goodness has made bad people like us good. This is the purpose of the cross. God's justice demands sin's penalty be paid. God's mercy declares He has paid it through the gift of His Son, Jesus.
This news is glorious! Paul, a man of considerable intellect, stature and experience said, "God forbid that I should glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."(Galatians 6:14). Of all the world's wonders, Paul found just one thing ultimately glorious. The cross was a place of gore, not glory! Surely the misery was unimaginable. But His incalculable suffering achieved an eternal redemption. Paul gloried in the cross because it changed him, and it can change you!
This is the most important question of your life. More important than how to stay virus-free, more important than when school will begin again, more important than when the coronavirus quarantine will be lifted. Don't fight with all you have to save your body and yet ignore your eternal soul. Remember the words of Nate Saint, one who willingly died for the sake of his and others' souls:
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”
The question you need to be asking is: Do you know Him? Do you glory in Him?
He is waiting to tell you, “welcome home!”
Perhaps these simple words of prayer might help you find your own words to talk to God….
"Heavenly Father, I admit that I have gone my own way. I have offended you in my thoughts, words, and actions. I am sorry for my sins. Help me to turn away from them. Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that you died for my sins. You paid the penalty that I deserved to pay. Cleanse me from my sin. I rejoice in your resurrection and promise to follow you as Lord. Holy Spirit, I ask you to fill my life with your power and purity. I want to live in your strength every day, serving you for the rest of my life. Please come into my life merciful God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - that I may live with you forever. Amen."
Two of David's Psalms are heart-felt prayers for forgiveness and saving mercy. May I suggest you read and pray through Psalms 32 and 51. Even better, do so with some friends down the hall -- even with a mask, you can still share this Good News!
By Pastor Mark Blair, BICF-ZGC, Beijing
About this Plan

Novel Encouragement is a 60-day devotional that church leaders from across Beijing and China were led to write during the COVID-19 outbreak, sending it out day by day to the people of the church and beyond. We hope you will also benefit deeply from it as it points you to the Lord as you are experiencing the trials – and opportunities – of the COVID-19 crisis whenever you are.
We would like to thank Beijing International Christian Fellowship for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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