The Cross & Covid-19: Discover Hope This EasterSample

(The Bible doesn't say what the Lord did on the Wednesday of Passion Week. Scholars speculate that after two exhausting days in Jerusalem, Jesus and his disciples spent this day resting in Bethany in anticipation of Passover.)
Dark clouds were gathering around Jesus. The religious leaders were seriously plotting to kill Him. He was about to be sacrificed like a Passover lamb for the sin of the whole world (John 1:29). Even His disciples failed to appreciate what is about to happen. But Jesus drew comfort from Mary of Bethany, who was always to be found at the feet of Jesus, listening attentively to Him.
Jesus was having a meal when Mary brought in a jar of “very expensive” perfume (Mark 14:3) and shocked everyone by breaking it and pouring all its contents on Jesus’ head. She could have poured just a drop or two, but she worshipped Jesus generously. Mary was harshly rebuked for “wasting” such expensive perfume, which could have been sold to help the poor instead. How financially efficient these people were! Chief among the critics was Judas Iscariot (see John 12:4–5), who as treasurer and thief could have helped himself to the money from the sale.
Jesus rebuked Judas and the other critics. He told them to leave Mary alone and commended her for having done a “beautiful thing to me” (Mark 14:6). She had prepared Him for burial. Having spent time at Jesus’ feet actually listening to Him, she was likely the only one in the group who really understood what was about to happen to Jesus. For her magnificent act of worship she would be remembered everywhere and for all time.
At this point Judas turned decidedly against his Master. He took the traitorous steps of finding the chief priests and betraying Jesus. Why did he do it? Was he sore that Jesus rebuked him? Was he trying to force Jesus to accept His role as the political Messiah? Or was he just greedy? Matthew tells us that he tried bargaining with the chief priests but could only extract a meagre sum for betraying Jesus (Matthew 26:15). The chief priests were delighted that they had found a treacherous ally among Jesus’ disciples. From the moment he criticised Mary for her beautiful act of devotion, Judas was on a dangerous downward slide to perdition. The man who accused Mary of wasting money would end up wasting his whole life.
Talk it over
- Having listened to Jesus carefully and faithfully, Mary knew more about Jesus and His mission than many of those around Him. With the many distractions and concerns thrown up by the coronavirus outbreak, how can we continue to spend time listening to Jesus?
- Mary spared nothing in her act of worship of Jesus. Reflect on your own worship of Christ. What will you offer Him today? What has He given you?
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About this Plan

In the midst of fear and uncertainty, we have hope and certainty. Christ came, Christ died, and Christ is risen! Over the next 8 days, let’s journey with Jesus through His last week on earth, from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the cross . . . and to the empty tomb. Includes questions for personal reflection or small group discussion to help us respond biblically to the COVID-19 situation.
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