The Cross & Covid-19: Discover Hope This EasterSample

Having observed all that was happening in the temple (Mark 11:11), Jesus returned the next day. He went to the most public area, known as the Court of the Gentiles, where a roaring trade was going on. The temple authorities had allowed such business—and gained from it. “Approved” animals for temple sacrifices were only sold in the temple. The money changers were busy making huge profits—special temple currency had to be used to buy the animals and to pay the temple tax.
Aflame with passion for God’s name and glory, Jesus drove away the entire crowd of profiteers and overturned their tables and benches. He also prevented people from misusing the temple courts as a shortcut to transport their merchandise. It was high drama as God cleaned out the temple with divine anger.
Then Jesus taught the crowd, some of whom may have looked on with amusement as He cleaned up the abuse and ungodly profiteering in the Court of the Gentiles. Jesus quoted Isaiah 56:7 and Jeremiah 7:11, repeating what God had said—His house would be “a house of prayer of all nations”, meaning that Israel was supposed to lead the nations (Gentiles) to worship God. But the unfaithful people of God had turned the court into a “den of thieves” (Mark 11:17) instead.
Seeing who they were up against, the chief priests and teachers of the law, who had profited from the ghastly commercialisation of the temple, seriously plotted to kill Jesus. They saw Him as a competition and threat.
Normally, leaves on a fig tree indicate that fruit is coming. On the way to the temple, Jesus cursed a fruitless tree that had fully leafed before the season for figs. It had given the false impression that it bore fruit when it actually did not. It represented what God’s people had become—hypocritical and pretentious. The temple had its crowds but it was not bearing any spiritual fruit. The following day, the disciples saw the cursed tree “withered from the roots” (Mark 11:20)—an object lesson of the consequences of stubborn disobedience and unfaithfulness, and a warning of impending judgment (the temple was destroyed by the Romans in AD 70). Then Jesus mentioned something about faith and fruitfulness. Faith in God can move mountains and is expressed in mountain-moving prayer (Mark 11:23–24). Such faith also produces the power to forgive others even as we are forgiven by our Father (v. 25). Faith produces fruit.
Talk It Over
- Amid global concerns over the COVID-19 outbreak, how can the church, and we as individuals, remind ourselves of our heavenly mission? What will you do about it this week?
- What sort of fruit can we bear in such times of uncertainty and requirements on “social distancing”? What might God be looking for in us? How can we practise our faith and obedience?
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About this Plan

In the midst of fear and uncertainty, we have hope and certainty. Christ came, Christ died, and Christ is risen! Over the next 8 days, let’s journey with Jesus through His last week on earth, from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the cross . . . and to the empty tomb. Includes questions for personal reflection or small group discussion to help us respond biblically to the COVID-19 situation.
We would like to thank Our Daily Bread for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: