Women of AgeSample

When there are changes ahead of us it can leave us overwhelmed with anxieties. Even the smallest of changes can cause anxieties that feel as if they are weighing on us so heavily that sometimes we cannot move. We know in our head that some changes are necessary for growth, or that change is just that, change.
The enemy loves to throw the game of “what ifs” and the unknown towards even those of us who are seasoned with our walk with Christ. We certainly aren’t immune from it. When we allow the “door” of our mind to slip open just a crack, the enemy will poke his little toe in and little by little he will have his whole foot in the door, and then it will be opened wide enough that it will allow him to insert all kinds of anxieties.
In Romans 8:35-39 Paul reminds us that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING will separate us from Him, even anxieties that may plague us. Why? Because we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (v37).
To be conquerors over what the enemy is putting in front of us we need to continue reading His word, praying for guidance during change, asking for calmness in our spirit, knowing there is always purpose for any changes, and understanding with change there can be beauty.
Even women of age need to be reminded that God is present during all our changes that we are experiencing.
“Father, calm our spirit today and show us that you are already in front of our changes that give us anxieties. Remind us that with change comes growth, and there can be beauty through it. Keep our walk close to You so that the enemy has no “crack” to open the door to insert any anxieties. Amen”
Romans 8:35-39
About this Plan

A Bible Plan to encourage women over 50.
We would like to thank Trinda Segard for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://myjourneyonline225.wordpress.com