Walking With Him Daily Acts Bible PlanSample

Day 4
Read – Acts 4
Acts 4:29 - 31 "'And now, Lord, consider their threats, and grant that Your slaves may speak Your message with complete boldness, while You stretch out Your hand for healing, signs, and wonders to be performed through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.' When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s message with boldness."
Peter and John after healing the crippled man in the previous chapter and proclaiming the name of Christ were told by the priests to stop proclaiming the name of Jesus. Their response was that they could not quit doing this and they went home and prayed to God a prayer as shown in verses 29-30. How many of us would pray a prayer like that in the face of likely death? But do you see the outcome of their prayer, which they are filled with the Holy Spirit and begin to boldly speak God's message. That should be our prayer, that in the face of this world, that God would grant that we, as slaves of Christ, could speak His message with complete boldness while His Holy Spirit works wonders around us. Lord give us boldness with opportunities to use it to further your kingdom.
About this Plan

This bible plan is a compilation of daily doses of scripture designed to help Christ followers walk through Acts. This walk is dedicated to helping followers connect with Christ on a daily basis. He is our rock, He is our master and He is our loving Father. A daily walk with Him will help you find the true meaning of the word faith. Forsaking All I Turn to Him!
We would like to thank Beau Waldrup for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://covenantbooks.com/books/?book=walking-with-him-daily
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