Go: A 40-Day Journey To The Never ReachedSample

Go In
Cari Hurst
My children love the water. As toddlers, we encouraged them, “Jump in, the water is so much fun!” Smiling they obliged and experienced the joy of swimming. Sometimes, they swallowed a little water, but it was worth it. As teens they still love swimming. It all started with the encouragement to GO IN.
Peter and John raced to the tomb, John won. But, hesitated. He saw the strips of linen where Jesus’ had been, but didn’t go in. Wait, what? We’re talking about Jesus. The One they gave up everything to follow. And John hesitated? “He didn’t GO IN.” Peter caught up and went inside immediately, then John followed.
I am baffled at his lack of urgency. Then I put myself in John’s situation. This was his teacher, Savior and friend. Maybe he was overcome with grief. Maybe he waited for Peter, knowing this was something to grasp, but not alone. Then, it happened, he saw, and believed.
In questioning why he waited to go inside, I forget the most important part, he did, and then everything changed.
What keeps you from taking that first step? Jesus is calling, “Just GO IN.” Do your circumstances or insecurities convince you to do everything BUT go in for what He is calling you to do?
Thirty years ago, I was challenged with messages about knowing Jesus and making Him known and sent off to hear what God was speaking. In that moment, under a tree in the Texas sun, everything changed. I saw and believed. My GO IN moment.
What are you waiting for? The greatest journey of your life awaits if you will simply take the next step.
Choose to be a follower of Jesus and have an unwavering commitment to Him.
Choose to drown out the voices and distractions around you and let the Holy Spirit guide you.
Go In
What will going in look like in your life? Make a list of things causing you to hesitate, commit them to God in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify that first step you need to take. Then step in, in seeing you will believe.
Never reached People Group: The Hakka Chinese of Taiwan
Ask God to prepare the hearts of the Hakka Chinese for the coming of the gospel and the hearts of workers to go and tell them.
About this Plan

Jesus walked on this earth for exactly 40 days after his resurrection. During those 40-days, one word resounds: GO. Dive into the stories and perspectives of people who love the Never Reached as they unpack why Jesus’ words mandate all Christ-followers to Go.
We would like to thank Assemblies of God World Missions - Asia Pacific for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://asiapacificmissions.org/