Angels for YouSample

Heavenly army
When you turn on the TV or browse your cell phone and see the news, do you feel like it’s just bad news after bad news? It’s no secret that there is violence and destruction happening all over the Earth. There is war going on in many countries and it’s heartbreaking, isn’t it?
Wars have been a big part of history. In 2 Kings, there was a war breaking out between the king of Aram and Israel. Elisha, a prophet, had warned the king of Israel about the moves of the Arameans. They found out, became so angry, and decided they were going to capture Elisha!
When Elisha’s servant woke up the next morning, he saw that the evil people had come. “Oh no, my Lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked, “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then, God opened the servant’s eyes and he saw they were protected.
This protection they had were angels! The angel that visited the shepherds was a messenger. The angels that showed up on the battlefield that day are called ‘the mighty ones’. They serve in God’s heavenly army. God is like the Commander in Chief and the angels help him rule over the world, not because He needs them to but because God chooses to exercise His authority through creatures.
God does that with us, too. He made us in His own image and gave us charge over the beautiful world He made. His plan is that we would rule the world with Him, and thanks to Jesus, God’s plan for humanity is happening. Those who put their trust in Jesus as their Savior will rule with Him forever. Tomorrow we will continue to discover His plan for us.
About this Plan

Angels played an important role in the birth of Jesus. They hold different titles: Messenger, Guard, Fighter… and many more. Readers will learn about the different jobs of the angels and how it affected eternity forever. They will reflect and see that God also has a specific and unique role for them
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