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Take Your Place!Sample

Take Your Place!

DAY 1 OF 7

Your Heavenly Position

Even if the bottom has fallen out of your world, I want you to know that God hasn’t fallen off the throne—and you haven’t fallen either.

The Bible says that if you’ve received Jesus as your Savior, then you are seated with Him in heavenly places. It was God who seated you there. You didn’t seat yourself. Therefore, your heavenly position hasn’t changed just because something happened (or didn’t happen) to you on earth. You’re still seated by Jesus. You haven’t lost your place.

What does the view look like from where you’re sitting with Jesus at the right hand of the Father? Ephesians says that you’re “far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come” (1:21).

This passage of Scripture goes on to say that God “put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body…” (Eph. 1:22). If the devil is under Jesus’s feet, he’s under your feet too.

What does your heavenly position mean to you? For one thing, it means you’re looking down on your problems and fears, not up. Everything that the enemy does is under your feet.

Have you ever flown in a plane, and looked down from about 10,000 feet? You can spot vehicles on the freeways and houses on tree-lined streets. You have a bird’s eye view, and everything looks peaceful and in order. From that distance, you can’t see the weeds in the front yards or the paint chipping off the houses. You can’t see the dents in the cars or bugs crawling on the ground. You can’t see any of the little things that can make life unpleasant. At that distance, imperfections and irritants disappear. 

Likewise, from your place in heavenly places, seated next to God with Jesus, your troubles and fears look small too! It is important to remember where you’re seated, and that you have the same viewpoint of problems and imperfections that Jesus does. They should seem small to you in the big picture of your life in Christ. Rise up and take your place!

(You can find out more about your heavenly position in Karen’s book “Why God Why: What to Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense”). 

About this Plan

Take Your Place!

There are times in life when you feel as though the bottom has fallen out – either because of something you’ve done, or something that’s happened to you. It’s easy to feel isolated or rejected, but God wants you to know that you have a place with Him nothing can separate you from His love and plan for you. These seven devotionals can help you get back on track.


We would like to thank Karen Jensen Salisbury for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: