Jornada à ManjedouraExemplo

Love Unlimited
God’s love is not limited to the salvation experience; it extends to every area of life. In the Garden of Eden—even after Adam and Eve sinned—God never abandoned His love for humankind. He could have given up on them, but He didn’t. He loved them and was determined to bring them back into a love relationship with Himself. Throughout the Old Testament, we see God constantly reaching out in love, all the while preparing the stage for the coming of His salvation.
Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of that ancient promise of perfect saving grace for humanity. His birth is the Creator’s handwritten note to us, proclaiming His eternal love that pursues and rescues throughout time. He could have stayed in heaven, far from the stress and torments of this broken world, but He knew we needed the love only He can offer. So as you celebrate the birth of our Savior, consider what it says about His deep love for you.
Activity: Reach out to a relative or friend with whom you need to reconcile. Forgive because God first forgave you.
As Escrituras
Sobre este Plano

Numa noite tranquila, há dois mil anos, os anjos trouxeram a notícia do nascimento do Salvador a um grupo de pastores que cuidavam de seus rebanhos. Após ouvir a notícia, aqueles pastores deixaram tudo para procurar um bebê em uma manjedoura em Belém. Após tantos anos, o convite não mudou. Junte-se ao Dr. Charles Stanley, que irá ajudá-lo a se aproximar do Salvador e incentivá-lo a encontrar tempo para descansar no amor do Pai nesta estação.
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