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Just PrayExemplo

Just Pray

DIA 5 DE 5


I was amazed when I first read The Book of Revelation and noticed that John was granted the privilege of seeing the throne of God. 

In Revelation 4:8, it says, “Day and night they never stop saying, 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,' who was, and is, and is to come.’”  What absolutely blew my mind was that God is consistently surrounded by this sound of worship from the four creatures and twenty-four elders! This sound is what God desires now and for eternity! It is this sound that moves God. 

Prayer has a sound, and it is guaranteed to get the attention of God! What parents ignore the sounds emanating from their children? God will always respond to the sound of our prayers. Call Him up!

Let's Go Bible!

In Matthew 9, the blind men shouted before getting their sight restored.  

In 2 King 20, God told King Hezekiah, "I have heard your prayers and seen your tears and you will live."


Have you ever stopped to listen to the sound of worship?

Think of someone who you know to be a prayer warrior. Do they have a unique sound?

When you are in a worship service, or a prayer meeting how do you add to the sound?

Dia 4

Sobre este Plano

Just Pray

We often encounter life’s challenges while ignoring one of the most powerful tools that we've been given—prayer. Prayer is the bedrock of any thriving Christian’s life. It is easily one of the most transformative habits ...


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