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Tzefanyah 3

1Hoy (woe) to her that is filthy and polluted,
to the oppressing city!#3:1 i.e., Jerusalem
2She obeyed not the voice;
she received not musar (correction);
her bitachon (trust) was not in Hashem;
she drew not near to her G-d.
3Her sarim (princes) within her are roaring arayot;
her shofetim are evening wolves;
they leave nothing for the boker (morning).
4Her nevi'im are arrogant, anshei bogedot (treacherous persons);
her kohanim have profaned the kodesh,
they have done violence to the torah.#3:4 T.N. which they were ordained to faithfully observe and teach
5 Hashem Tzaddik is in the midst thereof;
He will do no injustice;
boker by boker doth Hashem dispense mishpat;
He faileth not;
but the unjust knoweth no boshet (shame).
6I have cut off the Goyim;
their towers are desolate;
I made their streets waste,
that none passeth by;
their cities are destroyed,
so that there is no ish (man), that there is no inhabitant.
7I said: Surely thou wilt fear Me,
thou wilt accept musar (correction, instruction);
so that her dwelling place should not be cut off,
despite everything for which I punished her;
but they rose early,#3:7 i.e., eagerly
and corrupted all their doings.
8Therefore wait ye upon Me, saith Hashem,
until the Yom that I rise up for a prey;
My determination is to gather the Goyim,
that I may assemble the mamlachot,
to pour upon them Mine indignation,
even all My charon af;
for kol ha'aretz (all the earth) shall be devoured
with the eish of My kina (jealousy).
9For then will I restore to the people
a safah berurah (pure language, purified lip), that they may all call upon the Shem Hashem,
to serve Him with shekhem echad (one shoulder, one accord).
10From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My suppliants,
even the daughter of My dispersed,
shall bring Mine minchah.
11In that Yom shalt thou not be ashamed
for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against Me;
for then I will take away out of the midst of thee
them that rejoice in thy ga'avah (pride),
and thou shalt no more be haughty
because of My Har Hakodesh.
12I will also leave in the midst of thee
an afflicted and poor people,
and they shall take refuge in the Shem Hashem.
13The she'erit Yisroel shall not do iniquity,
nor speak lies;
neither shall a leshon tarmit (tongue of deceitfulness)
be found in their mouth;
for they shall feed and lie down,
and none shall make them afraid.
14Sing, O Bat Tziyon;
shout, O Yisroel;
be glad and rejoice with all the lev,
O Bat Yerushalayim.
15 Hashem hath taken away thy judgments,
he hath cast out thine enemy.
The Melech Yisroel, even Hashem, is in the midst of thee;
thou shalt not fear evil any more.
16In that Yom it shall be said to Yerushalayim:
Fear thou not;
and to Tziyon: Let not thine hands hang limp.
17 Hashem thy G-d in the midst of thee is gibbor;
He will save,
He will rejoice over thee with simchah;
He will quiet [you] in His ahavah (love),
He will joy over thee with singing.
18They that mourn I will gather for the mo'ed (time of the feast),
who are of thee [O Tziyon],
to whom the cherpah (reproach)#3:18 of the Golus presses upon them.#3:18 See 2C 7:10
19Hinei, at that time I will undo all that afflict thee;
and I will save her that is lame,
and gather her that was driven out;
and I will get them praise and fame
in every land of their boshet (shame).
20At that time will I bring you again,
even in the time that I gather you;
for I will make you a shem and a tehillah
among Kol Amei Ha'aretz (all the peoples of the earth),
when I turn back your captivity and restore your fortunes
before your eyes, saith Hashem.

Atualmente Selecionado:

Tzefanyah 3: TOJB2011





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