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Zecharyah 10

1Ask ye of Hashem rain in the time of the latter rain;
from Hashem who makes the storm clouds,
and gives them showers of rain,
to every one esev#10:1 Gn 1:12 in the sadeh.
2For the terafim (idols) have spoken aven (deceit, nothing),
and the diviners#10:2 i.e., fortune tellers envision sheker,
and have told false chalomot (dreams);
hevel is their comfort;
therefore the people wander like sheep,
oppressed for lack of a ro'eh (shepherd).
3Mine anger was kindled against the ro'im (shepherds),
and I punished the attudim (he-goats, leaders);
for Hashem Tzva'os hath visited His eder (flock),
Bais Yehudah,
and hath made them like His majestic war horse.
4From him#10:4 Yehudah will come forth the Pinnah (Cornerstone),#10:4 i.e., Moshiach, Isa 28:16; Gn 49:10
from him, the Yated (Tent Peg),#10:4 support, i.e. leader of the people, Isa 22:23-24
from him, the Keshet Milchamah (battle bow),#10:4 Ps 45:5
from him every ruler.
5Together they#10:5 Bais Yehudah, (10:3) shall be like gibborim,
which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the milchamah;
and they shall fight, because Hashem is with them,
and they shall overthrow the riders on susim.
6And I will strengthen the Bais Yehudah,
and I will save the Bais Yosef,
and I will restore them; for I have rachamim upon them;
and they shall be as though I had not rejected them;
for I am Hashem Eloheihem, and I will answer them.
7And they of Ephrayim shall be like a gibbor (mighty man),
and their lev shall have simcha as through yayin;
yea, their banim shall see, and have simcha,
and their lev shall rejoice in Hashem.
8I will whistle for them, and I will gather them in;
for I have redeemed them;
and they shall multiply as they have multiplied.
9And I will sow them among the peoples;
and they shall remember Me in far countries;
and they shall survive and live with their banim,
and they will return.
10I will bring them back again also out of Eretz Mitzrayim,
and gather them out of Assyria;
and I will bring them into the Eretz Gil'ad and Levanon;
until no more room shall be found for them.
11And He#10:11 Hashem shall pass through the yam of tzarah,
and shall strike the waves in the yam,
and all the depths of the Nile shall dry up;
and the ga'on (pride) of Assyria shall be cast down,
and the shevet (scepter)#10:11 i.e., power of Mitzrayim shall depart.
12And I will strengthen them#10:12 Ephrayim (10:7) in Hashem;
and they shall walk in Shmo (His Name), saith Hashem.

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Zecharyah 10: TOJB2011





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