Yoel 3
1 And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out My Ruach#3:1 Hakodesh upon all basar;
and your banim and your banot shall prophesy,
your zekenim shall dream chalomot,
your bochurim shall see chezyonot (visions):
2 And also upon the avadim and upon the shefachot
in those days will I pour out My Ruach.#3:2 Hakodesh, see Ac 2:1-42
3 And I will show mofetim in the heavens and in the earth, dahm, and eish, and pillars of smoke. 4 The shemesh shall be turned into choshech, and the yarei'ach into dahm, before the great and terrible Yom Hashem comes. 5 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Shem of Adonoi shall be saved; for in Mount Tziyon and in Yerushalayim shall be deliverance, as Hashem hath said, and in the seridim whom Hashem shall call.#3:5 Jer 23:5-6; Zech 6:11-12; Ezra 3:8
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Yoel 3: TOJB2011

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