Hoshea 7
1when I would have healed Yisroel,
then the avon (iniquity) of Ephrayim was exposed,
and the ra'ot (crimes) of Shomron;
for they practice sheker;
and the ganav intrudes,
and the bandit robs bachutz (in the street).
2And they consider not in their levavot
that I remember all their ra'ah;
now their own evil doings surround them;
they are before My face.
3They make the Melech glad with their ra'ah,
and the sarim (princes) with their lies.
4They are all no'afim (adulterers),
as an oven heated by the baker,
who ceaseth stirring from the kneading of the batzek (dough),
until its chametz leavening rises.
5In the Yom Malkeinu
the sarim (princes) have made him sick with the heat of yayin;
he has stretched out his hand with the letzim (mockers).
6For they have made ready their lev
like an oven, while they lie in wait;
their anger smolders kol halailah;
in the boker it burneth like an eish of flame.
7They are all hot as an oven,
and have devoured their shofetim;
all their melachim are fallen;
there is none among them that calleth unto Me.
8Ephrayim, he hath mixed himself among the people;
Ephrayim is a flat cake not turned over.
9Zarim have devoured his ko'ach,
and he knoweth it not;
yea, gray hairs are sprinkled upon him,
yet he hath no da'as.
10And the ga'on Yisroel testifieth to his face;
and they do not return to Hashem Eloheihem,
nor seek Him for all this.
11Ephrayim also is like an easily deceived yonah without sense;
they call to Mitzrayim,
they turn to Assyria.
12When they shall go, I will spread My reshet (net) upon them;
I will bring them down as the fowls of Shomayim;
I will chastise them, when I hear them congregating.
13Woe unto them! For they have strayed from Me.
Sod (destruction) unto them because they have committed pesha against Me!
Though I would redeem them,
yet they have spoken kazav (lies) against Me.
14And they have not cried unto Me with their levavot,
when they wailed upon their beds;
they congregate themselves for dagan and tirosh,
and they depart from Me.
15Though I have trained and strengthened their zero'ot (arms),
yet do they plot rah against Me.
16They return, but not to Most High;
they are like a faulty keshet;
their sarim (princes) shall fall by the cherev
for the insolence of their leshon;
this shall be their derision in Eretz Mitzrayim.
Atualmente Selecionado:
Hoshea 7: TOJB2011

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