Hoshea 1
1The Devar Hashem that came unto Hoshea, ben Be'eri, in the yamim of Uziyah, Yotam, Achaz, and Yechizkiyah, melachim of Yehudah, and in the yamim of Yarov'am ben Yoash, Melech Yisroel.
2The beginning of the Devar Hashem by Hoshea: And Hashem said to Hoshea: Go, take unto thee an eshet zenunim (wife of whoredoms) and yeladim of zenunim; for ha'aretz hath committed great whoredom, by departing from Hashem. 3So he went and took Gomer bat Divlayim; which conceived, and bore him ben.
4And Hashem said unto him: Call shmo Yizre'el (G-d will sow); for yet a little while, and I will visit vengeance upon Bais Yehu for the demei Yizre'el (massacre at Yizre'el), and will cause to cease#1:4 722 BCE Mamlechut Bais Yisroel.#1:4 See 1Kgs 21; 2Kgs 9 5And it shall come to pass on Yom Hahu, that I will break the keshet Yisroel (bow of Israel), in the Emek Yizre'el (Jezreel Valley).
6And she conceived again, and bore a bat. And G-d said unto him, Call her shem Lo-ruchamah (not pitied); for I will no more have pity upon Bais Yisroel; since I have been utterly betrayed by them.#1:6 1K 2:10 7But I will have mercy upon the Bais Yehudah, and will save them by Hashem Eloheihem, and will not save them by keshet, nor by cherev, nor by milchamah, by susim, nor by parashim.
8Now when she had weaned Lo-ruchamah, she conceived, and bore ben. 9Then said G-d, Call shmo (his name) Lo-ammi; for ye are lo ammi (not My people), and to you (pl) not eh'h'yeh (I AM: which is ALEFH HEH YOD HEH 1 common sg form of YOD HEH VAV HEH — HASHEM; i.e., to you I am not Hashem).
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Hoshea 1: TOJB2011

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