Bring Them Back: Devotions From Time of Grace MinistryExemplo

In your efforts to bring someone back, you are not alone. Sometimes you have to go through some major personal stress to find out that you have more friends than you thought. Ask them for help in your spiritual reclamation project. Ask them to pray for the person on your heart. Ask them to pray for you. "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message" (Colossians 4:2,3).
Prayer is not merely something that God permits you to do. He invites you to pray. He even commands you to pray, pray often, pray intensely, pray for the same thing repeatedly. He promises on his sacred honor and on the basis of the steady personal intercession of Jesus Christ to process every request you send.
Every time you pray, something moves somewhere. Something changes. The Lord absolutely loves to hear from you, and he loves it even better when friends pray for each other. You are not alone in your mission of being a soulguard. Bring them back!
Sobre este plano

This reading plan shows you that you are a member of God’s rescue team, looking out for those who are drowning and throwing them the life ring of Jesus’ good news, especially those who once were believers but who have drifted off. God has commissioned all of us to bring them back.