Bring Them Back: Devotions From Time of Grace MinistryExemplo

"Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church" is St. Paul's charge and commission to all Christian husbands of all time. Love them not as James Bond or Hugh Hefner "love" their girlfriends; love them as Christ loves us, that is, unconditionally and freely, permanently and patiently.
That means you keep loving them even if they fall away from their faith and seem to become a boat anchor on yours. True love, Christ-love, doesn't fluctuate like feelings. Christ-love originates not in the glands but in the head. It is a choice. It is a decision that you make.
"Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres" (1 Corinthians 13:7). Christ-love is irresistible. Husbands, as you are fueled up by Christ's love for you, you will have love to give her. Protect her (she was designed to respond to your strength). Trust her (you can't believe for her). Never give up hope (the age of miracles isn't over). Persevere (a man's strength is not only in his muscles).
Sobre este plano

This reading plan shows you that you are a member of God’s rescue team, looking out for those who are drowning and throwing them the life ring of Jesus’ good news, especially those who once were believers but who have drifted off. God has commissioned all of us to bring them back.