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Unavailable: Fully Plugged in With ChristExemplo

Unavailable: Fully Plugged in With Christ

Dia 3 de 3

Day 3- One with Christ

Over the past two days, we contemplated the details of our union with Christ and God’s providence in making us a part of His family. As we complete this 3-day plan today, we will examine our eternal union with Christ and how this makes us unavailable to the enemy.

This Christian faith is the only faith where the worshipped seeks the worshipper. All of humanity’s attempts to reach the divine have always been from a position of seeking access to the resources, power or protection of the divine. But in Christ, God redeems and restores all who receive Him.

Our salvation through Christ’s death on the cross was a one-time payment and a complete package credited to the benefit of the believer. All that we would ever need for life is completely provided for in that package so that man will not seek anything from the laws that had him bound to sin and death.

As we are now one with Christ, this means we are far above all principalities, powers, earthly family ties and worldly bondages or beliefs.

How do we then live in all that Christ has provided for us?

By focusing on the finished works of Christ and renewing our minds with the Word of God.

Romans 12:2: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

The devil who has completely been disarmed can only come at the believer with cunning tricks to lure him away from all that Christ has made. And with the cunning tricks, come the exposure to all that Christ has redeemed us from.

But don’t for a second entertain his wiles. We only need to give attention to the Word to remember all that Christ has done to avail us of all that we would need for life and godliness.

2 Peter 1:3: "as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue."

Anything you give attention to, gives you direction. We become what we constantly behold. The more we grow in the knowledge of God’s word, the more we understand what is available to us and who we now are in Christ.

There is a colloquial saying among millennials, stemming from their requests to their parents to buy additional items they saw advertised. Their parents would respond by saying, "There is rice at home."

When the enemy flashes something in your face as a believer, offering you something you have already received in Christ, always respond with the same energy as the parents and say ‘I have all that I need in Christ!’

The Bible speaks about how the enemy roams around- but in Christ, we as believers are safe, secure and fortified. We are unavailable to the enemy’s distractions, tricks and lies.

Declare these words out loud as we complete the plan today:


I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.

I am the redeemed of the Lord.

I am the beloved of Abba.

All my sins are forgiven.

I am passionately loved by God.

I am powerfully helped by God.

I am kept and protected by God.

I enjoy angelic assistance.

I am irrevocably blessed.

I am eternally forgiven.

I am the healed of the Lord.

I enjoy divine health.

I have the favour and wisdom of God.

I am fruitful; I flourish, excel, and prosper in all that I do.

I have the multiplier’s anointing.

Nothing is against me.

Nothing dies in my hands.

I am never stranded.

The supernatural is natural to me.

All things are working together for my good.

God loves me more than the devil hates me.

Grace is working for me!!

Dia 2

Sobre este plano

Unavailable: Fully Plugged in With Christ

In a world where everybody has something to say, we as believers must be very mindful about what we feed on and what we listen to. Our focus and attention must be on what Christ has already done for us. Join us for the next 3 days as we explore the endless possibilities we now have because of Christ!
