The Beatitudes in PaintExemplo

The Merciful
Think about it, how did we get into the kingdom? Wasn't there a mega-load of God's mercy shown to us first? It's no wonder Jesus reminds us of our need to show mercy to others.
Some have a special gift of mercy, but all are invited to show it when the need arises.
There are occasions, if not on our street, then in the wider world. Look around. You need not look far.
The whole Western world seems rich to the rest, and for good reason. Is God not watching what we share?
There's always mercy to show somewhere. God calls us to be his imitators; this is one way we can.
And who knows when we will need mercy again? In the meantime, sow that seed. Sow mercy. And reap it another day.
Sobre este plano

The Beatitudes is the title tradition has given to this most succinct series of blessings that came from the mouth of Jesus. They are the opening summary of "The Sermon on the Mount," found in Matthew 5 through 7, the most famous sermon of all time. Here are the Beatitudes illustrated in paint, with accompanying meditations.