Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the SameExemplo

Rahab’s Decision
Rahab was destined to be adopted into the Israelite family - this is a foreshadowing of Gentiles, outside of the Israelite family, receiving Jesus’ gospel. She was a prostitute in a foreign country. She had little social standing, especially as a woman, and her city was about to be annihilated by the army of Israel — an army with the King of the Universe on their side. No wonder she and the rest of the citizens were quaking with fear and awe. When the Israelite spies were scouting the city of Jericho, they went into her home, a place where she received her customers. Rahab had a decision to make: would she be faithful to the king of her country and give up the spies? Or would she take this unique opportunity to make a new alliance? She feared for her life and those of her family and so, in her discernment, she chose to be merciful to the spies. The Israelites, in turn, were merciful to her and her family and adopted them into their midst when they took over the city .
Recognizing True Authority
Rahab stepped into her destiny because she was able to recognize the true Kingship of God over the king of her city. Although she was a traitor to Jericho, she was faithful to the Eternal King and His people. We too are in this world, but not of this world. Inevitably, we will face situations that will require us to make clear where our true loyalties lie. Sometimes, those in leadership over us — teachers, parents, bosses, presidents — will ask us to do something that the Bible or the Holy Spirit says not to do. It may be our colleagues or our neighbours or even friends that think they know what is best for us while God says the opposite. Will we be like Rahab in those moments of opportunity along our individual journeys of destiny — to choose to serve the true King of our lives and place ourselves at His mercy?
Reflective Question
Are there aspects of God’s will for your life that you’ve avoided because you are afraid of offending someone, especially someone in leadership?
Lord, I thank you that you are the highest and greatest; you are King over all, you are King over the past, present and future. Today I commit to trust you above all earthly authority figures. You are the One who deserves my undivided loyalty. I believe that you will be merciful to me and use moments of opportunity like Rahab’s, to draw me into Your plans for my life.
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Within us is a great desire to fulfill some kind of destiny. Learn from Joseph, Ruth, Esther, David, Solomon and Rahab, who all had a calling on their lives that ended in victory. God has given us these stories to learn how to do the same. 'Destiny' isn't a strange concept that falls outside your faith. In your day-to-day life, you are being shaped for His purposes.