Bible Characters Who Fulfilled Their Destiny: And How You Can Do the SameExemplo

Esther’s Story
Esther’s destiny was to bring about salvation for the Jews. Esther was a Jew herself, and became a Queen when she married the King of Persia. She was a beautiful woman who lived in a palace - she seemed to have everything a girl could wish for! Esther kept her true identity a secret from her husband. She belonged to a chosen race: Yahweh’s special people of Israel. When her people were facing genocide, she had a choice: would she pretend to have nothing to do with them or would she face possible execution herself by standing up for them?
Esther’s Victory
Esther had a position to leverage. God had positioned her as Queen so that she had political influence. But being a hero is not always fun, and she tries to talk her way out of approaching the King. Her uncle Mordecai warns her: ‘Do not think in your heart that you will escape…for if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place…Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’
Esther was tempted to avoid conflict with her husband by choosing not to raise the issue with him. Fortunately, encouraged by the admonishment of Mordecai, she chooses to be bold and approach the King. She prays, fasts, and comes up with a strategy. She must have been trembling as she went into the inner court, only to get the result she needed: the King holds out His golden sceptre. She comes near and touches it.
The Sceptre of Grace
I often picture myself in God’s court, the Holy of Holies, seeking His favour over my life, with the relief of the sceptre, always stretched out toward me, permitting me to come near. You see, we have the favour of the God of the universe, and we can boldly approach His throne to find mercy and grace in our time of need. We can cling onto the sceptre of favour as we walk into our destiny.
Reflective Question
What do you need special grace and favour for right now?
Father, thank you for the favour we have because of Jesus. We can boldly come into Your throne room. We can boldly seek to make changes in our world for the better. We can boldly walk in our destiny because You said we can. Give us encouraging friends, Lord, like Esther had Mordecai, and help me to be a friend to others.
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Within us is a great desire to fulfill some kind of destiny. Learn from Joseph, Ruth, Esther, David, Solomon and Rahab, who all had a calling on their lives that ended in victory. God has given us these stories to learn how to do the same. 'Destiny' isn't a strange concept that falls outside your faith. In your day-to-day life, you are being shaped for His purposes.