More Than a Career: Creating Space for Your Kingdom CallingExemplo

“I can only accept this offer if I can have the freedom to work from anywhere in the United States.”
As I boldly declared what was told to me wasn’t an option, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. It was silent for a few seconds.
“I’ll have to check on that,” the HR generalist said on the other side of the line.
“Lord, provide the way,” I whispered in my heart.
An hour later I received the call that I would change my life forever.
“We’d like to offer you the position and will write into your contract that you can do this job from anywhere in the United States.”
In that moment I smiled, as I pictured their faces and my eyes filled with tears. With this new position, I would finally be able to live near my family after many years apart. I could work from the beach for a week if I wanted. I could rent a cabin and work from there if that is my desire. I could buy a house in ANY city I wanted to live in. I had wings to go wherever God called me now.
Negotiating our worth and circumstances in our calling is necessary to step into it. God will provide the door and the options but we have to boldly walk through them and ask for the things God tells us is our assignment. Without asking for them, we will never receive the abundant blessings waiting for us and we will never walk through that unopened door.
Dear friend, God is calling you to a life bigger than you are living. Boldly step into that calling and declare it to be yours.
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What is God telling you about your career? Is he calling you to something new and scary? Far too often we let weeks, years and sometimes decades go by without evaluating whether we are living in our kingdom calling. This devotional will help you learn to embrace your career calling in an even greater capacity.