More Than a Career: Creating Space for Your Kingdom CallingExemplo

When I handed her my resignation letter I saw her smirk out of the corner of my eye when she thought I wasn’t looking. For months now I had been mistreated in this job to the point of emotional breakdowns. I didn’t have another job lined up but I knew that God would never want me to stay in a job where I didn’t feel safe and could not live out his purpose. So with wisdom, I was able to build a 6-month income reserve, and I left without any future job lined up. My coworkers, still under her abusive leadership, would often message me and talk about how they wished they could leave but their hands were tied because of their tenure. During the gap in my employment, we took in a foster child, and at the same time, I was able to grow a second income stream on the side as an entrepreneur. At that moment, I made a vow that the next position I accepted I would negotiate my worth and not settle for poor leadership. Now, just a few short years later, I receive messages from my current boss that say, “I cannot even begin to tell you the value that you bring to our team”. In addition to that, the side income I was building has grown to an entirely new income stream that afforded my husband and me the ability to buy a second home.
There are 100 verses about how God refines us when we go through trials. Sometimes the fire that refines us feels terribly hot, but we need to remember the gold that is developing under the flames.
On average, a person's work "life span" will last 40-50 years. Spending it in a fulfilled calling will be the difference between that feeling of laboriousness or fulfillment.
We get to choose!
“Get to” and “choose” are intentional choices of words here. When we wake up each morning knowing that how we spend the next 8 hours working is our choice, it makes us realize that we are 100% accountable for it if it feels lacking in purpose.
Knowing we have 100% control of our choices is empowering and also convicting. If we are choosing to stay complacent in an unfulfilled career we are responsible for the lack of purpose. Conversely, knowing we are 100% in control of choosing a Kingdom calling is equally empowering and can make Mondays never feel like a daunting day of the week but instead an exciting new start to a new week.
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What is God telling you about your career? Is he calling you to something new and scary? Far too often we let weeks, years and sometimes decades go by without evaluating whether we are living in our kingdom calling. This devotional will help you learn to embrace your career calling in an even greater capacity.