Mary's TreasureExemplo

A Labor of Love
We entered the stable, a cave cool and dark,
With calm lowing animals, scene bare and stark.
Straw crunched underfoot as we cleared out a space.
Collapsed on the ground as contractions kept pace.
Not what I expected, but it’d have to do,
For even this circumstance proved God’s will too.
I focused on keeping my breaths slow and deep
Distracted by crickets and shuffling sheep.
I clutched at a crisp piece of dry yellow hay
And pleaded that God make the pain go away.
When life doesn’t look the way I think it should
May crisp straw remind me God works all for good.
Sobre este plano

In this devotional written from the perspective of Jesus' mother, Mary vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as a mom. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.