Mary's TreasureExemplo

Written from Mary's perspective, each day vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as Jesus' mother. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in symbolizing the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.
The World Awaits with Hearts of Stone
When I was a girl the Jews struggled through life
And longed for the Savior to end this world’s strife.
Our God who’d been silent for 400 years
Soon tore through the heavens to dry all our tears.
Awaiting the challenge to death’s paradigm,
Perhaps my own birth was to serve such a time.
I keep a gray rock to remember those days
Lost, hopeless in wait, stone not yet rolled away.
So when I am tempted to doubt clouds will part
I hold this gray stone and attain renewed heart.
Sobre este plano

In this devotional written from the perspective of Jesus' mother, Mary vulnerably and honestly details the intimate moments of her experience as a mom. In each compelling scene, Mary treasures a small token to remember it by. Little does she know the divine significance each item will play in the ultimate purpose of her son’s role on earth.