W drodze do stajenkiPrzykład
Jesus Was God’s Promise
Prophet after prophet foretold the Messiah’s coming. Many of Israel’s customs and feasts were shadows of the substance that would come with His appearing. Yet as one century after another went by, life seemed to go on as usual without the promised divine interruption. Were the words of God to His people only empty promises? Were all the prophets wrong? Was man destined to live in the chains of sin and bondage?
Then, on a day that began much like any other, that longed-for divine interruption came in the form of a baby who would change the destiny of humankind. For all those who were still waiting for Him, Jesus came quietly and without fanfare. But on the day of His birth, the world changed profoundly. Nothing would ever be the same again.
Activity: Reflect on your testimony. Write down the specific ways your life changed when you accepted Jesus. Share it with a fellow believer to spur them on to greater faith.
Pismo Święte
O tym planie
W spokojną noc 2000 lat temu aniołowie przynieśli wiadomość o narodzinach Zbawiciela grupie pasterzy, którzy strzegli swoich trzód. Po wysłuchaniu nowiny, pasterze zostawili wszystko, by odszukać dziecko w żłobie w Betlejem. Wiele lat później zaproszenie wciąż jest aktualne. Przyłącz się do doktora Charlesa Stanleya, który pomoże ci zbliżyć się do Zbawiciela i zachęci cię, abyś w tym szczególnym czasie odpoczął w miłości Ojca.