30 Little Things: The Book of GenesisPrzykład

30 Little Things: The Book of Genesis

Dzień 17 z 30

So Obvious.

Wouldn't you want to be so obviously in God? Isaac must have done something right that when he came across Abimelech and his men, they said they could plainly see that the Lord was with Isaac. Wouldn't it be so awesome if we were to come interact with someone, like our friends maybe, and have them say: We can plainly see that God is with you. It is true that the impact of having God in our lives is a lot of times unable to be explained by logic. The logic of how miracles happen, of faith, these things just pass the boundaries of what humans understand. But, they do exist. And it is crazy that by actually keeping a close relationship with God, we are somehow transformed by the Spirit to become more and more like Jesus, and less and less like this world. If we stick around in God's process long enough, then this would definitely show. People will be able to see God's light through our actions.

It is so obvious that God was with Isaac. Is it that obvious to other people when they look at us? Or is it the opposite, we become a stumbling block for non-believers and even Christians themselves? Let us not be like the rest of the world, let us all be so obviously consumed in God's love and presence, just like Isaac.

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O tym planie

30 Little Things: The Book of Genesis

This 30 day plan will take you on the book of Genesis. Let us go through this nostalgia through these grand Bible classics and look into the simple things we can implement in our day-to-day routines to further see God's love and grace. Let us grow together in Christ through this new perspective on the Book of Genesis.


We would like to thank Levina Kusumadjaja for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.icasby.com