Reflections on TruthPrzykład

Reflections on Truth

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Truthsayers guide

Philosophers and theologians have forever mused over absolute ‘truth’, with post-modernists relegating it to relativism and pop culture personalising it as ‘my truth’, dismissing definitive answers as judgmental.

The dictionaries define truth as being in accordance with ‘accepted’ fact or reality and despite our claims to know certain things even science must remain open to the possibility of the unknown being revealed.

For Bible believers the answer supersedes the cynical meme: there are three versions of the truth, yours, mine, and ‘the truth’. The latter is confirmed by three witnesses, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In fact, the apostle John says the Holy Spirit will guide us into all the truth.

Jesus, in preparing the disciples for his impending death, unleashes a torrent of plain speaking beyond his usual parables and dark sayings. He warns some religious teachers will do anything to protect their patch and of the persecution to come.

The good news is that he will send the Advocate, Comforter, Helper, Intercessor, and the Spirit of Truth to speak directly from the Heavenly Father.

There’s reason to rejoice like a woman in labour about to give birth. After the horrors of torture and execution in the final sacrifice of an old age, something new is coming, indeed a new birth.

The same Spirit that brooded over the Genesis Creation will restore the original higher purpose of the spiritual Adam, Christ with us. The curtains of the Holy of Holies are split apart like a birth canal, signalling a new age, a resurrection life.

The truth can finally be known through the pouring out of the Spirit which guides and directs and indeed sets us free.

What truth and free from what, we ask? Any truth the Spirit seeks to reveal to us about restoring or healing our own broken state or how we should respond to life’s challenges.

Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life (Jn 14:6). The revelation and record of the Scriptures fulfilled and written about him provide a God-breathed testimony to all who answer the call to embrace that legacy including what is yet to come.

Truthsayer’s prayer:

Holy Spirit, continue to guide us toward deeper, wider, more inspiring, and lifegiving truth than any court of law or strict religion. You connect us to our Heavenly Father and our inheritance through his Son, Jesus the Christ.

You comfort, guide, and direct us toward fresh revelation and understanding. Strengthen our relationship with Christ who overcame the world to reconcile us to God and each other so that we might be wiser and more loving truthsayers.

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Reflections on Truth

Embark on a 31-day transformative journey by delving into the theme of TRUTH from a biblical perspective. "Reflections on Truth" takes you on a captivating exploration of the Bible's view of Truth through 31 carefully selected verses. Start the Reading Plan today and uncover the timeless truths waiting to be discovered within His Word!
