Stories on StoriesPrzykład

Stories on Stories

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He Can Do It Again!

When Goliath was challenging Israel’s army, young David remembered what God had done through him to save his father’s sheep from the lion and the bear. David believed that as He had done it for his flock, God would do it again for His children. David knew that it was not his power that had saved the sheep, but the Lord’s power that had been displayed for His glory. That is why David was confident that God would do it again, with the same power and authority He had shown before, so much that he convinced King Saul to send him to fight Goliath.

Peter had witnessed the Lord’s authority over sickness, death, storms, and demons. So, when it came to walking on water as his Master did, Peter believed the Lord had to command it. Peter said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Peter knew. He had seen so much evidence of the Lord’s authority to doubt that a heavenly power backed his Master’s words. Peter was saying, “Lord, do it again here, in this situation.”

The Hebrew word for testimony is eduth, which means 'witness'. It implies that God can do any miracle again with the same power and authority. When we witness, we retell the story of how the Lord saved us. We describe how His power was displayed before our eyes in our time of grief, pain, sorrow, or loss and affirm that He came in and miraculously delivered us.

The gospel is the power of God to save those who believe. We can be sure there will be more hard days when we will need to witness to ourselves, like David did saying, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits” (Psalm 103:2). In trouble, we do tend to forget God's faithfulness. Peter forgot when he was already walking on water. The wind began to blow, and he became afraid and sank. Fear connects us to what we see; faith connects us to the unseen (Hebrews 11:1).

Let us hold fast to Jesus Christ without wavering. We have enough evidence to believe that He who overcame the world is faithful to do it again. We can trust God to work miracles in our circumstances.

Heavenly Father, please display Your power in my life, time and again, for Your honor and glory.

This devotional was based on Stories on Stories, a song by Christine D’Clario, Jordan Sapp, and Jonathan Gamble. To learn more, visit our website:

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Stories on Stories

The stories full of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty that the worldly media feeds us daily can have an impact on our faith. However, God allows us to see His goodness and faithfulness in our lives so that we can share our testimony with others to invigorate their faith. If God did it once, He can do it again!
