Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's ProphecyPrzykład

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

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Everlasting Father

Kelli Baker

Advent Series 2023

Day Sixteen

Why do fathers matter? Studies show “ fathers who are involved with their adolescence as mothers are help raise psychologically healthier children who exhibit less delinquent behavior and obtain more education” 1 (Gladding, 2019, p. 44).

The past two weeks, we’ve spent expectantly waiting for the celebration of Jesus’ birthday by leaning into the words of the prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 9:6.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

We’ve learned of how Jesus fulfills the prophecy as Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God. Now, let’s study how Jesus is the Everlasting Father. This is a controversial role that Jesus holds, so slow down and take the time to talk to God. Ask him to show you the truth of his word over this next week.

Everlasting Father

The word “father” can evoke many types of emotions. Maybe you had an upbringing where your dad was super involved physically, but emotionally unavailable. Maybe your father was absent altogether.You may no longer have your dad here with you. Maybe you have been blessed to have a father who provided all your needs, both physically and emotionally. My guess is that your relationship with your dad falls within one of the former categories.

God intended for relationships on earth to mirror that of his relationship with his children. Many times we see throughout scripture that God calls those who follow him “children.” Unfortunately, because of sin, relationships are not perfect. God knew we would need an example of what it looks like to be a perfect father. Only he could provide the Everlasting Father we needed.

Characteristics of a Father

Certainly Jesus and our earthly fathers can have some similar characteristics as well. Just as an earthly father aims to protect and provide for their family, Jesus is seen as a protector and provider for his followers. Jesus calls himself the Shepherd. Under his care as Shepherd and Father, he protects and provides for his children.

Both can provide guidance, teachings, and wisdom to those under their care. As the Everlasting Father, Jesus provides guidance and teachings through the words we find in the Gospels. Jesus set an example during his time on this earth of how to glorify the Father. Jesus acted counter culturally. He spent his days caring for the marginalized and often looked over. Jesus was unafraid to call sin out when he saw it.

Other characteristics Jesus and a father can exhibit are love, compassion, and care towards their children or followers. His compassion is boundless. Jesus does not have pretenses or preconceived notions that may cause him to react in his flesh. Jesus is sinless and all his actions come from a place of love and acceptance.

The most powerful and important characteristic that makes Jesus the Everlasting Father was his sacrifice. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice on the cross. Similarly, earthly fathers often make sacrifices for the well-being and future of their children. However, when they fall short, we know Jesus will be there to catch us.

Both Jesus and a father can serve as role models, setting examples for how to live a virtuous and meaningful life. Our Everlasting Father sets the perfect example. Finally, the last characteristic that both Jesus and earthly fathers can display is forgiveness. Jesus used his last breaths to make a bold statement on the cross as he cried for forgiveness for the world. The propensity to give second chances does not compare to that of our fathers here on this earth.

So What?

We can take solace in knowing that Jesus has walked this earth and while he never biologically fathered children, he was a Father to all he encountered.


Dear Lord, thank you for Jesus’ example as the Everlasting Father. Help us cling to the promise that he is with us, even when our earthly fathers fail. Amen.


Gladding, S (2019). Family therapy: History, theory, and practice, 7th ed. Boston: Pearson. p.44

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Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

An Advent journey of faith and strength for Christian military women as we look to Isaiah's prophecy of the coming Savior. We have access to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we will examine how Jesus fulfilled each of the names Isaiah prophesied.
