Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's ProphecyPrzykład

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

Dzień 10 z 27

Mighty God

Kelli Baker

Advent Series 2023

Day Ten

Just like us, the Jews in Jesus' day were watching for their redeemer. While we know him as the son of God, the Jews in the first century would have seen the biggest indicator that Jesus is Mighty God in his claim to be “I am.” God revealed himself to Moses as “I am” when he called Moses to deliver the Israelites from the yoke of slavery. They had been in slavery in Egypt for over 400 years. The Lord sent for Moses to lead them out of Egypt. Before Moses went to Pharaoh, he asked God who he should say sent him.

“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”[fn] And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” Exodus 3:14

The Jews would’ve known this story. They would know “I Am” was the one who led their ancestors out of Egypt. Which is why Jesus’ claim to be “I Am” was so dangerous. The Pharisees were always on the lookout to catch Jesus lying. In John’s account, Jesus makes the seemingly scandalous claim to be the “I Am.” Jesus proved himself to be the “I Am” when he died and rose from the dead. Not to mention the healing and forgiveness he offered during the three years he spent walking the earth.

Rather than believe Jesus’ claim, the Pharisees sought to stone him. They didn’t know God in their hearts; therefore, they couldn’t recognize Jesus as the one sent to deliver God’s children once and for all.

Do you believe wholeheartedly that Jesus is the “I Am”? The Hebrew word for “I Am” is Yahweh. Jesus is Yahweh and desires to be all that we need. Trust in him as the “I Am” to deliver you from whatever is holding you back from walking in who he has called you to be. Trust in him to conquer the lies.

I am not smart enough.

I am too old/young.

I am not qualified.

I am too busy.

Because of who Jesus is and what he did on the cross, you are enough.


Dear Lord, thank you for the deliverance found in Jesus. Help us to see him as the “I Am” who is all that we could even think or ask for. Amen.

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O tym planie

Seeing Jesus in Isaiah's Prophecy

An Advent journey of faith and strength for Christian military women as we look to Isaiah's prophecy of the coming Savior. We have access to the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. In preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, we will examine how Jesus fulfilled each of the names Isaiah prophesied.
