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Red Flags, Respect, & RelationshipsPrzykład

Red Flags, Respect, & Relationships

Dzień 18 z 28

Most relationships have one thing in common: conflict. Little arguments, big disagreements, hurt feelings—they’re just a part of what it means to do life with other people. Though we can’t avoid conflict, our job is to do what we can to bring as much peace as possible to our relationships. That may mean praying more, offering more apologies, listening instead of speaking, using kinder words, or choosing what’s peaceful over anything else. When we pursue peace in our relationships, we’re being the kind of people God calls us to be!

Is there a relationship in your life that has a lot of conflict? Someone in your life who you need to make peace with? Ask God to help you take just one step toward peace in that relationship this week.

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Dzień 17Dzień 19

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