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Glory in Our Sufferings

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How To Deal With Trauma Triggers:

What is your reaction when you are afraid?

In this period of time, I lost 26 pounds, and my pants were beginning to feel loose. For the first time, I had to wear a belt to keep my pants from falling. I was so proud of myself! On this day, I was in my class and got up to use the bathroom. I went into the stall, took off my belt, and froze in fear. The sound of the belt triggered me: my heart was racing, and I felt hot and afraid. From years of abuse, the sound of the belt would be the one I dreaded the most. Immediately I cried to God, “ Abba, I’m scared!” God met me right then and there, and I let his rod and staff comfort me. God erased that trigger right away, and from that day forward, I no longer had that trigger. I was amazed at how quickly God responded. He was with me when I was afraid, he comforted me, and he protected me.

The amygdala is located in the medial temporal lobe, where our flight, fight, or freeze response kicks in, especially during trauma. Aren’t you grateful that God gave us that part of our brain? It is IMPORTANT to know which one you are. Why? Because this will determine how you react and handle situations when they come your way, especially during this healing journey. We must know what our weaknesses are so we know how to fight the enemy back!

For example, if you are a:

Fighter: You need to get on your knees and pray immediately.

Hebrews 4:16: “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Runner: Run to God! His presence is your shelter and refuge of strength!

Psalms 119:114: “You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.”

Freeze: Turn on your worship music and praise him, cry to him, yell at him, do whatever you need to do to worship. Let the holy spirit take over your mind and comfort you.

Psalm 63:1: “You, God are my God; earnestly I seek you; I thirst for yours, my whole being longs for your, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.

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Glory in Our Sufferings

I extend this invitation to deepen healing with Jesus! God has walked me through 12 years of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual exploitation, and being sex trafficked. For many years, the enemy convinced me that I was too broken & unworthy. Together we will dive into God's truth & grace over our lives!
