No Fear HerePrzykład

No Fear Here

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No Fear Here, Pt. 5

"Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, 'Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent.'" Acts 18:9

In Acts 18, we noticed how God blessed Paul in this time of his life in two specific ways: He sent him new friends in Aquila and Priscilla and brought Silas and Timothy back to him in Corinth. He also blessed Paul with new converts like Crispus. Nothing encourages and motivates those serving the Lord in ministry quite like seeing new followers of Jesus.

Paul is a weary warrior, and you too may be weary, fearful, and need the Lord's blessing and encouragement. Let us look at two more ways God intervened in the life of Paul and gave him the courage and hope he needed.

In Acts 18:9, the Lord spoke directly to Paul in a vision at night. This is one of several visions Paul received from the Lord, and each one came at a crucial time in his ministry. These words from the risen Christ surely brought comfort and encouragement to the weary apostle. Jesus commanded him to stop being afraid. Why was Paul afraid? He knew from past experiences he was in for big trouble from those who opposed him and the message he preached. He had seen it before in other cities—Paul preached, God moved, many got saved, a church was planted, and the enemy soon came in full battle array. Paul had been run out of every town and was even stoned nearly to death at Lystra. So, we know why he was fearful. Kent Hughes writes,

"From Paul's perspective, the immediate future was perfectly predictable. Soon there would be a riot, and he would be spiked and punted. The diabolical pattern was quite clear. He was like a boxer who knows what is coming when he answers the bell." (The Church Afire, p. 240)

Acts 18:10 is so wonderful. We all need to hear these first words in a tremendous way: "for I am with you." Amen; thank You, Jesus! The living God is with us always. Even when we sin, disappoint others and ourselves, and all else feels hopeless, He stays with us, no matter what. What a blessed assurance; Jesus is mine indeed. God has a track record of speaking His word of presence and comfort during the storms of life. In Joshua 1:9, we read,

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

In Acts 18:12-17, we read of another way God helped and eliminated fear from Paul. God set him free by frustrating his enemies. Paul appeared before his accusers and Gallio at what is known as the judgment seat (bema in Greek), the place where the proconsul would hear complaints then decide. In July 2004, I had the opportunity to see this bema judgment seat, where the governor would decide for or against someone. It is still very well preserved today.

This is a pivotal, climactic time for Paul and Christianity. If Gallio had ruled against Paul and favored the Jews opposing him, then other governors in their regions would have followed suit and thus, hindered the progress of the Gospel, but that did not happen. God frustrated and thwarted the plans of the enemies of Paul and the Gospel.

Are you struggling with fear? It is natural to wrestle with this emotion just as Paul did, but we must let God fight for us and help us. He helped Paul with friends by allowing him to see new followers of Christ, with the direct command to fear not, and by frustrating his enemies. God can do the same for you and me. Don't try to defend yourself, but allow the Lord to intervene and defend you.

Please remember and meditate on this promise from God in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

The same God who delivered Paul from his physical and spiritual enemies is the same God who will deliver you. Until it is your time to go home to Jesus, He will protect and guard you. When we pass from this life to the next, praise God, what a day that will be! So, what or who do we fear? If we know Jesus, the answer is absolutely nothing or no one.

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No Fear Here

In his latest series of devotions, Pastor Danny Forshee offers practical advice on how we can overcome fear. In “No Fear Here,” Danny gleans insights from the Apostle Paul's encounter with Jesus Christ. Just as Paul was blessed and equipped by God to overcome his every fear, so can you! May the Holy Spirit empower you to lay aside fear and embrace the courage that only Jesus gives.
