Praying God’s Word: Prayers of Paul (Part 1)Przykład

Praying God’s Word: Prayers of Paul (Part 1)

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Ephesians 3:20-21-Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

As Paul came to this great height (what can be higher than the fullness of God?), it is logical to ask how this can ever be. How can something so far above us ever become reality? It can only happen because God is able to do far beyond what we ask or think.

This doxology does not only belong to the prayer that precedes it but also to every glorious privilege and blessing spoken of in the first three chapters of Ephesians. Who is able to bring such things to pass? Only God can do this because He can do far beyond our ability to think or ask.

Paul says that God is able to do above all that we ask or think. The "we" included Paul and the other apostles and they certainly knew that Jesus could do great things.

  • You can ask for every good thing you have ever experienced – God can do above that.
  • You can think of or imagine things beyond your experience – God can do above that.
  • You can imagine good things that are beyond your ability to name – God can do above that.

Spurgeon on the phrase exceedingly abundantly: “He has constructed here in the Greek an expression which is altogether his own. No language was powerful enough for the apostle, – I mean for the Holy Ghost speaking through the apostle, – for very often Paul has to coin words and phrases to shadow forth his meaning, and here is one, ‘He is able to do exceeding abundantly,’ so abundantly that it exceeds measure and description.” (Spurgeon)

“Therefore he is able to do all things, and able to do superabundantly above the greatest abundance.” (Clarke)

According to the power that works in us: God is able to do this in our life now, not beginning with heaven. This power…works in us now.

The things Paul prayed for in the previous verses (spiritual strength, the indwelling Jesus, experiential knowledge of God’s love, and the fullness of God) belong to us as children of God. However, they must be received by believing prayer and can be furthered in the lives of others by our prayers for them.

The only fitting response to this great God is to give Him glory – especially in the church, the company of His redeemed, and that He receive that glory throughout all ages, world without end – Amen!

When the church understands and walks in God’s eternal purpose, God will be glorified, and the church will fulfill its important duty of simply glorifying God.

 “But the apostle felt that he must not say, ‘Unto him be glory in my soul.’ He wished that, but his one soul afforded far too little space, and so he cried ‘unto him, be glory in the church.’ He calls upon all the people of God to praise the divine name.” (Spurgeon)

Prompt: Pray Ephesians 3:20-21. Before you pray today, believe that this is the God to whom you pray! Ask for His power to continually be at work in you. Trust Him to do far beyond all you could ask. To Him be the glory, now and forever.

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God bless you as you continue to study and pray the Bible!

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Praying God’s Word: Prayers of Paul (Part 1)

Do you ever wonder what to pray? Pray God’s Word! Paul set an example of praying Biblical truth for others. We can pray the Word of God with confidence and understanding. This plan compiles several of Paul’s prayers, along with helpful insights based on The Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik. Practice what you learn each day by praying these truths for a friend!
