God Speaks Przykład

God Speaks

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As believers, the Bible presents us with many warnings of the power of our words. In Matthew 12:37 it says, ‘for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.’ 

When I considered this scripture, an image of a courtroom came to mind. In a criminal trial, each word that is spoken within the courtroom holds immense power. Each word spoken by the lawyers, witnesses, or the suspects themselves must be documented and kept as a transcript. These words, along with the evidence presented to the judge, ultimately result in a guilty or non-guilty verdict. In the courtroom, words hold the power to send a person to life imprisonment, or a life of freedom.  

Now imagine for a moment that you were on trial, not for shoplifting or speeding over the limit, but you were on trial for the words you speak every single day. Imagine having every word you’ve spoken, good, bad, and ugly used as evidence to find you guilty or not guilty. I’m not sure about you, but this thought sure makes me panic. If all of the Godly, uplifting, wholesome words you speak were lined up next to all of the negative, judgemental and destructive words, which line would be longer? It’s a confronting question, but one we must ask ourselves as followers of Christ.

Often times we forget the power of words because we speak them not directly to somebody but instead in private whispers, without their knowledge. Maybe it’s a boss, a friend, a family member. What is the harm when they won’t hear it? What I have learned is that if I would not feel comfortable saying something to someone directly, then perhaps my words are destructive, rather than wholesome. Be challenged today and consider that though they may not hear, God hears and He sees your heart. 

The good news is that even if we were put on trial for our words, and the verdict was to come back guilty, God sent his Son to die on the cross for our sin. When we ask for forgiveness, He makes us pure and blameless. All we need to do is stop, think, and ask ourselves some questions before we speak. What will my words accomplish? Will they help or hinder? Will they lift up or pull down? Will they encourage or discourage? Are my words wise, kind, compassionate, gracious, gentle, and in alignment with God’s heart?

Prayer: Thank You God for who You are. I pray for forgiveness for the words I have spoken to or about someone that were not wholesome. I ask Lord that You would help me to speak Godly, uplifting, encouraging words to others. Thank You father that though I am not perfect, You forgive me, You love me, and You accept me. I pray God that You would help me to have this grace towards others. In Your Name, Amen. 

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O tym planie

God Speaks

Jesus said, “Go to the lost, confused people right here in the neighbourhood and tell them that the Kingdom is here.” What is the “neighbourhood”? People that we can impact in our every day spaces and lives. Let’s read God Speaks and delve into the ways God speaks to us, and learn how we can apply this to our every day lives.
