Free to Rise: Women in God's StoryPrzykład

Free to Rise: Women in God's Story

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Deborah was an incredible ruler-judge and prophet, filled with faith and God’s power (Judges 4-5). The time of the judges was a violent, destructive, and faithless period for Israel where "everyone did what was right in their own eyes". As one of the most influential women in the Old Testament, Deborah proved her grit. She heard from God and acted on it in remarkably courageous ways. 

The honor may not be yours

Deborah’s story features an ensemble of three characters: Deborah, Barak, and Jael. Deborah went off to battle with Barak, and, as foretold in her prophecy, the enemy fell at the hands of a woman – but not Deborah. The honor does not go to Deborah, Barak the military commander, or Jael the female assassin. The honor goes to God. 

Deborah’s story is a powerful reminder that leadership is not limited to a glorified upfront personality. I first came to understand this in my early twenties as board President of a youth-run development organization, where my influence was behind the scenes clearing obstacles and creating an enabling culture for the team to shine. The limelight was not on me, but rightly on the mission of poverty eradication, and working together for impact. In my role leading advocacy for Tearfund in Australia, I help Christians speak up to politicians on behalf of people in poverty. My leadership is like the conductor of an orchestra, where the right messenger is chosen for the right political moment or all the contributing voices are tuned together for maximum effect. We raise a powerful voice together.

Tearfund supports women in development to work together like an ensemble. Self-Help Groups transform the reality for women in poverty through economic empowerment and collective action. I love meeting women in India or Nepal who have together saved, lent to each other, funded education or started small businesses. I have caught onto the joy of possibility as I have been taken into mud huts to see a pedal sewing machine powering a tailoring business or patted goats proudly presented as evidence of a growing farm. No single individual gets the glory, but every member lifts up the other.


Deborah was the only female judge in the Bible, and one of five female Old Testament prophets. Deborah was renowned for her wisdom and character and people came to her to settle all sorts of disputes, as she sat under her tree. 

Deborah, in God’s strength, exercised wise leadership against the grain of her times, and we too can emulate her example.

In tune with God

The book of Judges depicts violent and disturbing times, which are just as confronting today. Deborah’s leadership and faith brought the Israelites back to God. Judges and prophets prayed and meditated before ruling or speaking a word from God. We too need to call out for wisdom and understanding, seeking it like hidden treasure (Proverbs 2:3-5). Deborah was in tune with God and that’s what we want for ourselves and our leaders.

God uses all of you

Deborah was an impressive mix of judge, prophet, poet, singer and songwriter. We see Judges 4 account for the history of Deborah’s leadership and the military battle, and chapter 5 brings Deborah’s poetic reflections. I love that Deborah has a creative, distinctive voice. 

Artists can cut through and spark our imagination powerfully. Thank God for biblical heroes like Deborah who was a poet and creative as well as a courageous military leader. God too calls you. All of you.

By Jo Knight, Advocacy Director at Tearfund Australia 

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O tym planie

Free to Rise: Women in God's Story

In the Bible, we have countless examples of persistent women whom God chose to lead: Women like Deborah, Esther, and Martha. As they stepped into their callings, they rose above the limits their societies placed on them. These women - advocates, protesters, servants, and fighters - transformed their communities and the course of history. Read how the same God who empowered them is empowering you today.
