New Life In ChristPrzykład

New Life In Christ

Dzień 2 z 7

Day Two

A Spiritual Pulse

Scripture: Ezekiel 36:25–27; Ephesians 2:1

Why do some believe in Jesus Christ while others do not? Why do some receive Him into their life but others refuse Him? 

We find the answer to this again in John 1:13: “[They] were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.” God must cause a person to be born again, which, in turn, produces saving faith. It is the new birth that enables us to receive Jesus Christ into our life. The decisive factor in anyone coming to faith in Christ, John explains, is that they are “born . . . of God” (v. 13). This refers not to our physical birth but to our spiritual birth. 

Though we still retain elements of our old life, our whole being is changed instantaneously and dramatically into a brand-new, God-glorifying life. 

Before the new birth, Paul writes, “You were dead in your trespasses and sins” (Eph. 2:1). That is, each unbeliever is a living corpse, devoid of any spiritual life. We are walking dead in this world. But when we are reborn, God breathes new life into the empty vacuum of our human soul. This divine act raises us from the grave of sin to eternal life. 

The new birth brings an entirely new quality of life that only God can give. It is unlike anything this world can give—an out-of-this-world life that comes down from God above. When we are born again, the previously defiled soul is cleansed from the stains of sin. Our old heart of stone, once hardened toward God, is removed. In its place, a new heart of flesh is implanted within our inner person. This gives our heart a spiritual pulse that is alive to God. 

The Holy Spirit assumes His royal residence within our innermost being. Our heart comes alive to God, and it immediately responds to Him. The Spirit causes us to start to walk in the path of righteousness. The old things have passed away, and our souls have been washed clean. Our new heart is made free from the dominating power of sin, and we have a new desire to pursue the things of God. 

Why would God want us to follow Him?

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New Life In Christ

We often hear the phrase “born again,” but what does that mean? Does being born again last forever or do we have to be born another time if we fail? Whether you have been a Christ-follower for many years or are simply curious about what spiritual rebirth means, you’ll discover enriching truths in this week’s exploration of finding new life in Christ.
