One Minute Apologist - Doubting Toward FaithPrzykład

One Minute Apologist - Doubting Toward Faith

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Do we live our plans involving God or do we live God's plan involving us? This facet of doubt raises the question; does God really know what is best for my life?

We all want to be in control. It’s hard to let go, to loosen the grip on our lives. None of that comes naturally. Yet, so much of the Christian life involves surrender. It’s about yielding and dying to ones self. The very essence of faith is about surrendering our will to God's will.

Our job as believers is to read the Word and then align our lives to it. Scripture contains God’s will in written form. It’s impossible to surrender to God’s will if we don’t know His Word.

I fear that many Christians avoid the Bible because they’d rather not know all that it demands. They’d rather live in ignorance, living their way. Perhaps that describes you, shying away from God’s Word in the name of securing your own will. Like others you may think, Why would I want to know more about God’s will? What if it runs contrary to mine? Well, in that case you’d experience a clash of the wills. And volitional doubt would likely ensue.

So that’s why it’s easier for some to just avoid God’s Word rather than deal with the challenge to our will that comes along with it. God’s divine pokes can feel like an irritant. A nuisance. But we need to realize that His pokes and prods are merely His sacred invitations into closer relationship with Him. Welcome the invitation.

The problem is that the volitional doubter struggles while simultaneously second-guessing God. Whereas Jesus modeled the surrendered life beautifully when He cried out in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” The anthem of the volitional doubter might be, “Nevertheless, not Your will, but my will be done.”

Jesus Followed God’s will. As Christians we need to strive to be more Christ like. One way that we can do that is by submitting to God's will. When we submit to God's will, it will make it easier for us to stop doubting toward unbelief, and start DOUBTING TOWARD FAITH.


Pray Matthew 6:9-13, the Lords prayer. Really ask God for HIS will to be done in your life. Ask yourself what it is that you need to relinquish control of, and allow God to take over.
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One Minute Apologist - Doubting Toward Faith

We all have doubts, and those doubts can lead to confusion and hopelessness. But, doubt can also deepen our dependence on God, develop empathy for others, and motivate us to find satisfying answers to life's biggest questions. Don't let doubts erode your faith and lead you into unbelief. Discover today how to use your doubts to keep you headed in the right direction- toward faith.
