Learn To Pray For Your FamilyPrzykład

Learn To Pray For Your Family

Dzień 5 z 7

Put an end to fear! 💪

Do you know the story of Jairus’s daughter? As Jairus went to Jesus to ask Him to pray for his daughter, the gospel tells us that she died…“While he was still speaking to her, a messenger arrived from the home of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue. He told him, “Your daughter is dead. There’s no use troubling the Teacher now.” But when Jesus heard what had happened, he said to Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just have faith, and she will be healed.”” (see Luke 8:49-50, NLT)

When tragedy comes knocking at our doors, we can become paralyzed by fear. Jesus isn’t surprised by our human fear reaction when we’re facing the unknown, when we experience catastrophes, when we dread terrible suffering, or when our bodies are ravaged by a grave illness. Jesus understood this man’s fear...and He understands yours.

Don’t listen to the voice telling you, “There’s no use troubling the Teacher now.” This voice telling you that Jesus doesn’t hear you, doesn’t listen, isn’t interested in your situation, that it’s too late.

Jesus loves you. How could He ignore your needs?

I invite you to turn toward Jesus today and share with Him what’s worrying you, everything giving you grief, as they say. Here are a few practical examples:

  • Make a list of everything worrying you. Pray about it, thanking God in advance for intervening.
  • Proclaim, every morning, psalms that speak of God’s faithfulness.
  • Take time to praise God, declaring His greatness in the trial. 

Don’t be afraid...Jesus is with you. I invite you to pray right now…“Lord, I refuse to be afraid from here on out. I refuse to let doubt and fear paralyze me...I am Your child, and I was born to experience Your presence and Your miracles. This situation that I’m going through (name it) is difficult for me, but I have complete trust in You and know that You hear me. Yes, I know that Your gaze is upon me. Thank You for intervening miraculously, and thank You for the peace You’re putting into my heart. I worship You. I love You, Jesus.” 

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O tym planie

Learn To Pray For Your Family

In this 7-day reading plan, I’d like to talk with you about family. It is, unfortunately, being targeted more and more by the enemy. In the face of this, the Lord has given us a powerful weapon… Prayer! In this plan, you will learn all about this.
